Monday, October 4, 2010

Fun Times Were Had by All

On Sunday Danton and I were able to enjoy a Broncos game together. Danton won the tickets at work. The only bummer of the day was that they lost. We enjoyed some great seats ($200 worth) and free parking. I think the government should start taking pointers from the sporting industry because they seem to know how to rake in the money and people just pay it.

She was in full spirit. So I thought I should get my picture taken with her!!!

Mr Lincoln just hanging out having a good time. He is into climing things and he loves to sit in things.

Love this smile!!!

Mr. Hot stuff!!

A couple of weeks ago we were able to catch a night with Auntie Kate and Larry who were in from Kansas. We did a little hangin out and some early celebrating for Lincoln's birthday Lincoln dragging around his new car.

Love this one.

Ah! Dick and Jane. Averie is showing her Auntie Kate her reading skills.

We took a VERY fast trip to Nebraska to see one of Danton's/ (our) friend and his wife. Danton has known Emil since KG and he and his family are truly like family to us. We were only there for just over a day but we had an great time. Emil and his wife Brenda have been in stationed in Italy for several years and they just got stationed to Virginia. We are SO excited that they are back stateside. Here we are saying our goodbyes. Lincoln LOVED Uncle Emil and didn't want anyone else to hold him. Lincoln cried when we had to leave.

Daddy, Uncle Emil and Mr Lincoln

Great friends/family


Averie holding a VERY large sword. Don't worry everyone it isn't sharp. Emil found the shopping network and ordered the sword. Silly Uncle Emil.

At the end of September Averie's class went to Miller Farms. My mom came to watch Lincoln and I was able to go with her. Once we got there we rode on the tractor and went to the fields to pick some veggies to take home. We picked beets, onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, corn and pumpkins. After we picked she got to play with all her friends. The best part for Averie was that she got to see some of her old friends from morning KG. They were all SO excited to see her.

The start of a FUN morning

Averie picking beets with one of the farmers.

Potatoes. We have already used them to make potato soup... YUMMY!

Having fun at Miller Farm

Class picture in the middle of a LOT of pumpkins.

At the top of a very tall Hay Stack. With her are some morning KG friends!!!

Why a picture of this sign...

because of this

Averie is in the far right corner in the green shirt, and also on the jumping pillow are WAY more than 15 kids!!!
Enjoy your weekend everyone. Can't believe it is almost November and Mr Lincoln is almost 1!