Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010~ Hastings

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! We made the trip back to Nebraska to spend it with Danton's family. Enjoy some random pictures of our weekend.

Get ready everyone. Mr. Lincolon is giving you a kiss
Moon and Averie enjoying some quality reading time. Moon was so great to keep Averie entertained most of the day. Thanks Moon. So great to meet you.

Mr. Lincoln and mommy

Next are some pictures of everyone with Grandma Peterson (Eckles)...Randy's mom

Our little family
Mama Ruth, Grandma and Shane

Rhonda, Grandma and Sondra

Andy, Lorrell, Grandma, Maggie, Troy

Daddy being silly with Lincolns silky and paci.

Shane and Mr. Lincoln.
I love this one!!!

Averie and Shane walking by the lake

Preparing some food before Shane tried to cut off his finger. Good thing we have a family EMT!

Uncle Steve and Averie getting their color on
We had a great time in Nebraska seeing some people we haven't seen in a while. And some that met Lincoln for the first time.
You all know who you are...It was great seeing you and spending some good quality time together. We did miss one important person....Papa Sarge was very much missesd. I think the most touching part for me was after Averie realized who Grandma Peterson was (Papa Sarges mom) she went up to her and told her how much she loved her. She definitely misses her Papa Sarge.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Getting Ready for Fall Fest at School... Oh and some leaf fun!!

It was time for Fall Fest at Averie's school. We were down to bring Pumpkin Muffins and Averie wanted to help out. When I turned around to grab something I found an extra helper on my stool. I had two kids very excited to help out.

The kids were given to option to dress as Indians or Pilgrims. Averie has become very fascinated with Indians and was able to wear an outfit that my mom had made for me.

This is her teacher Mrs. Pears. She is just an amazing teacher. We are so grateful that Averie was able to switch classes.
Lincoln absolutely loved the leaves in my parents front lawn. So, of course in true grandparent fashion he made a huge pile for the kids to play in.

Here is our little Pocahontes

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Our Sick Little Family

Our family has been passing around the crud for several weeks now. Someone either has a good temp or a nasty cold. It was Averie's turn on this day. A couple of Sundays ago Averie woke up with a good temp and so we stayed in and watched Toy Story 3. It was a good family relax day!!!

We have discovered Mr.Lincoln enjoys a good cup of JO.

AHHH! So good.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Priceless Moment!!!

It is a tradition for Nanny and Papa to get Rocking Chairs for the grandkids on their 1st Birthday.
The other morning when I was getting everyone ready for the day I put on a Signing Time for Averie and Lincoln. When I went to check on them this is what I found. Priceless Moment!!! Thanks Nanny and Papa!!!


Fall Family Pictures

So, here are the family pictures a good friend of our took. Everything was set up and ready to go and the morning of the pictures the weather was yucky, overcast and rainy. But if you are a mom you know this...When everyone is dressed and ready you go ahead and take the pictures. Especially if you as the mom actually got a shower. Hope you all enjoy the photos.

this is probably my favorite. you can't help but smile looking at it!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln!!! Happy Birthday to You!!

Hello Mr. Lincoln. A year ago you joined us and what a fun year it has been. We are looking forward to so many more.
My little buddy. He has been fighting a little bug all weekend and when he woke up was extra attached to his pacifier and silk. So, sorry no picture of his cute little smile...I tried.
Lincoln LOVES signing time and I just found him laying in the living room getting his learn on.

Well I know it isn't a magical number the number one but he can now technically ride in a new carseat facing out to see his world. So, off we went to get him all hooked up for his new ride.
(Look Auntie Kate!!! I am wearing my new hat!)
Averie is excited!!!

So, is daddy!!!
and mommy is excited, but sad that her little boy is growing up
Last ride where is he gets to lounge
Two other people who enjoyed the day were Nanny and Papa. They came with balloons that were a HUGE hit.
Here he is opening a present from the Tulsa gang. Thanks you all!!
Opening his present from Averie. She wrapped it ALL herself and made his a card. She LOVES her brother

She got him 2 cars!!
Where is Lincoln?

There he is!!

Quickly playing with his new blocks while his sister isn't
Lincoln loves pumpkin, so it seemed fitting to have pumpkin pie for him.
Me and my little dude. He was giving me lots of kisses.
Averie getting some special daddy time. She got to have her nightime story read by flashlight in her bed.

If you don't know. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!!!! I look forward to them for months and then get such a let down half way through the day because it is almost over. Before kids I would like to stay up the day before to be awake at the start of my birthday and then stay awake until my birthday was officiallyover. I think Danton thought I was loosing my marbles. I just wanted to get the most out the entire day. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!!
It is no different for anyone in my family. I LOVE their birthdays as well. I loved enjoying Lincoln's birthday with the family. We didn't do anyting over the top but we enjoyed it together. I think I was also sad it was over because he is no longer my little baby he is growning up so quickly. We have enjoyed him SO much this year. Last year was a very hard year for our family and I truly beleive God brought Lincoln into our lives at the perfect time and also to help us smile more.
Things Lincoln loves to do. He loves to snuggle. He loves to make noises, all kinds of noises. He loves to give kisses, I LOVE his kisses. He loves to wait up for his dad to get home. When daddy is at school and Lincoln knows he is't here and I put him into his bed he just looks at me and signs dad and when dad walks through the door he giggles and squeals and runs to him. He loves his sister most of the time. But the time I love the most is when we walk into her room when she is sleeping at night and he gets SO excited and bends down to give her a kiss and hug, while she is sleeping. He LOVES to climb everything. He LOVES to explore his world and is very good at it.
We LOVE you Mr. Lincoln!!!