Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's New?

Mommy and Mr. Lincoln. He still loves his new smile!!

We enjoyed a very good visit from Auntie Kate and Larry. The kids always enjoy there visits

Averie getting to celebrate an early birthday.
She got a cute little outfit and and a very pretty ballerina that she can actually dance with

So, what is new?
Danton~ School is well underway. He is taking 2 classes; Anatomy and Physiology and Public Speaking. He is enjoying the A&P class and the public speaking class is really just for credits because I think we all know that is not going to be a challenging class for him!!! He is in the final stages of his clearing process for ambulance rides. He should be finished by the end of the month. For about 6 months at his full time job he has been working an account that has really been rough, they expect him to work 6 days a week and be on call all the time. It has taken a lot from him and the family. He will be starting Paramedic school in this fall and to get in you must have some riding experience. That is why he found an ambulance job that will allow him to ride once a week. With the current account, riding and school it was getting to be VERY overwhelming for all of us. We have been keeping our eyes and ears open for a full time job that would work with all his extras. There was a opening for another postition at his current job but, they wouldn't allow him to make the move, long story... So for a little over a month now Danton has been in contact with another dealership and has decided to make the move. They have told us that they will work with his school schedule so we have decided that at this time it is a good move for our family.
Lincoln~ He is just busy and like Danton says destruction personified!!! I can't tell you how many times he has hit his head because he chooses to bang it into something. I so don't understand that. He is learning new words and things everday and you can tell me wants to talk with you but doesn't know how to say what he wants to say so he just screams and points. He is great at signing and will do that if he can...I love that!
Averie~ She is loving ballet and anything art related. While I am writing this she and her dad are enjoying a date at CrackPots, which is a place you can go and paint pottery. She absolutely loves it there and would go every day if we would let her. She is so excited because she is going to have her birthday there this year.
Rebecca~ I went with Averie to school the other day on their 100th day of school party. That was fun, she loves it when I come in. Shopping with Lincoln has reached a very challenging level. He can get of the cart no matter how you strap him in. I can get about 10-15 min in before the challenge begins. I have decided that I am needing to take a break from shopping with him. I enlisted the grandparents this week so I could do my grocery shopping. That was the best idea I have had in a while and I think it was win win for everyone!!!
Enjoy your weekend and Happy Valentines Day!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Smile and much much more!!!

These first 2 are from the snow we had a couple weeks ago. Lincon's first real experience of snow. He likes to eat it like most kids. And Averie looks forward to making snow angels every time it snows!!!

After one of Danton's 24 hour shifts he came home to quick get some food and a change of clothes and while I took Averie to school he was to put Lincoln down for a nap. I guess they both needed one!!!

We love Praise Baby in our house. A precious moment between daddy and his kids. Notice for a brief moment all kids are still!!
Lincoln helped mommy make cookies the other day and I think he has finally caught on to cookie dough. I caught him taking a quick sample and then quickly going back for more when he realized that it was in fact quite yummy!!

Let me explain this next picture. Lincoln has his spoon with dough and is actually happy. This is his new smile. So funny.

Lincoln's smile and my lovely little Averie

Daddy and Lincoln's new smile
When my Aunt Julia got married I got to be her flower girl. While doing some organizing I came accross the dress I wore. Averie wore it for about 2 days straight. She loves it.

One of Lincoln's favorite things is shoes. He finds everyones shoes and wears them around the house. This day his shoe of choice was his sister's saddle shoes. I couldn't pass up this picture. Here is Lincoln with his new smile and his shoes.