Thursday, March 17, 2011

Birthday Time

Averie on the morning of her birthday!!! She wanted to have French Toast, mommy's special scrambled eggs and of course Maple Syrup!!! She also got her favorite movie. How to Train your Dragon!!
On Sunday my parents came over to do some birthday celebrating! Here she is blowing out her "6" candle. She decorated cupcakes to bring into school so we had some extras to enjoy.

As you know Averie is very artsy!! I thought it would be a good idea to get her a "Big Girl" desk. She has also been asking for a lamp for her room so my parent's got her a lamp for her desk. She loves it so much and uses it all every day.
Before she gets everything set up and ready to go.

While her brother napped she was able to get everything all set up.

Here she is the next day using her new desk... notice who is using her old desk. It was quiet and peaceful for a while they both loved there own art spaces.

Her Birthday Party. We decided to let her pick a few friends and take them to a local pottery painting place. They all had so much fun. The fun part of the story was that on Saturday morning I woke up with double pink eye. Thanks goodness for Nanny who helped out.

My pretty Little Lady!!!

Nanny helping her open her gifts.

Wow, I can't believe she is 6!! She is growing up so quickly.

She was so excited to finally painter her dragon.

Some of the girlie's painting

All the girls enjoying some goodies!
Wrapping things up! She had such a great time! So grateful for that little girl!!!
Thanks again Nanny for all your help! Oh, and Papa too for watching Mr. Lincoln.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quick Something

I am so impressed with this latest piece of Averie art. To me it is so simple but so cute. If you click on the picture it will get bigger and if you notice the rooster is shouting out "cocka doodle doo!!! I love her art. She is getting so creative and so good
While I was posting I thought I should add a quick pick of Mr. Lincoln. Yes, he is still sporting his new smile. He is SO proud of it. What a cute little man he is becoming!

Averie has her birthday party on Saturday and after that I will post pictures from all her birthday adventures!