Thursday, September 22, 2011


I haven't done a blog in a while so I thought I would give an individual updates

Danton~ Last Monday Danton started Paramedic school. They were encouraged to bring their support system with them on the first day, so I went along with him. I am so excited for him and what he is about to take on. It is going to be a crazy year so all I have to say is Ready, set...GO!!!

He is staying very busy. When he isn't training he normally picks up an ambulance shifts.

If you are the praying type, we love some about a job he is interviewing for. He is actually interviewing to get into a hospital. He is in the last stages, we are just waiting to hear what to do next. The hospital is just about 10 blocks from where he is going to school. It would be a great opportunity for him to be in a hospital setting, especially during Paramedic school.

Currently we are both trying to figure out how we are going to do life and his school and work. Also, we found out the grant that we were awarded through the state for school would not work for Denver Health's program. Kind of a bummer since the grant would have paid for ALL of school. We both agree also that school is what he needs to do right now to get out the Sales game. Plus, he really does love what he is going to school for. So, we are going to do whatever it takes to make this year work. Currently we are trying to get another grant but are in the middle of that process as well.

We really appreciate all the help we have currently gotten to help make the process work. We don't know how to say thanks enough. I told Danton he needs to have start a Lemonade Stand and raise money for school. Or maybe a carwash. Every little bit helps and maybe that would work!!! He could get Averie to go out with him and they would be unstoppable.
I have been looking for something to help out as well. But it is hard to know what I can do until we hear from the hospital about what his hours would be.

Rebecca~ As always I am trying to maintain the structure of the house. Manage the crazy I say!!! I think I am starting to get used to Averie being at all day school. I miss her but she is loving it. A big part of Averie's school is mandatory parent volunteering. And because Danton doesn't have time I have volunteered to go in every Thursday and spend the day with her. I go at lunch and eat with her, then its off to recess. After that I do a bunch of work for the teacher. I love it. I especially love watching her interact with all her friends,and getting to know the kids in the class is a plus. I am trying to get Lincoln to have some playdates with out his sister around. I have been having a good time with that.

Averie~ So, as you all know she started first grade this year. We had a rough start but it seems to be doing a lot better.
She is LOVING ballet. She is doing a GREAT job managing her new schedule as well. She jumped full force into a very busy schedule. She has full school days then she does ballet 2 nights after school and on many Sunday afternoons. Weekends around the house are very laid back and Saturdays often turn into Pajama days and she gets to watch a movie.
Thanks Mountainside Dance for given her such an amazing opportunity. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Lincoln~ What a fun little dude he is. When kids are this age if you really don't see them all the time you don't get to see all the fun stages they go through SO quickly. I should just blog on him more often.
He is such a chatterbox. We have 2 very active and talkative kids. It is exhausting some times but I am so glad they love to enjoy and explore their world.
I think it just easier to list some of the things he does in a number list.
1. About 3 weeks ago he counted to 10. We all just looked at him and tried to figure that out. Averie took credit for teaching him...she didn't teach him. Silly girl.
2. He is often trying to get away with things by being a "Big Helper"
3. He is learning his colors and his favorite color so far is "Orange"
4. He loves his Papa. I think he would live with him if he could
5. He love the park and being outside...that hasn't changed.
6. He doesn't miss and thing and repeats EVERYTHING he hears.
7. He is our home body. After being in the car for about 5 minutes he is normally asking to go home. He would be content to just hang out at home, cuddle and play with his toys.
8. He loves to sing with his sister, and he especially loves it when she sings Twinkle Little Star to him.
9. He is FAST and he LOVES to run. I don't think you can really get this one until you watch him or he is around you alot. We have resorted on some occasions to harness him when we are walking around. He has run into the street filled with cars more than once. Maybe he will be a Running Back when he gets older.
10. He is funny. Again you probably have to be around him to fully see it. But he is funny.

We will glady accept any prayers this year. We are very excited about it but are also very aware that it will be intense at times. I am excited to see what opportunities await at the end.
Specifically we are asking for prayers for the grant. We would love to get it, as I am sure a lot of people are as well. And for the hospital job, it would be great to have Danton not have to worry about Sales during school and to also be around things he is actually studying. And for me to find something to help out family out and also be able to maintain helping with Averie and be there for the kids.

Thanks for all the support we have gotten whether it is with the kids or in other ways. It has not gone unnoticed or unforgotten. Thanks so much from ALL of us.

So, as Lincoln would say...READY, SET, GO!!!!!