Saturday, October 22, 2011

What's New?

So, thanks to all of you are praying for us in our fun family journey. Here are some updates.

Danton got the job at the hospital and started last week. We are still not sure of his schedule, but will know more about that in a week or so. He loving the ER, always busy and never anything the same. The great part is he is no longer in a commission job. What a stress reliever.

We don't have any news to report on the grant. He has a meeting with the WIA grant folks on November 16th. We should know something after this meeting. We can still use the prayers for this grant. It has the possibility to really help us out.

I was able to get a job that works just great with all of our schedules. I am actually cleaning the house of one of Danton's old clients. I am able to do it while Averie is at school and I bring Lincoln with me. Plus there is potential for cleaning a couple of other houses, I should know about that fairly soon.

Danton actually has today and tomorrow off. We are looking forward to enjoying some good family time and for Danton some studying time!!!

Enjoy your weekend everyone.