Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What's New with You

Wow, what a few weeks it has been with us.
We have been very sick around here. I can't remember a time that our house was knocked out for over a week. I think we are just now in a good up swing. And thankfully Danton wasnt' affected at all by any of it. Averie even missed school on her birthday and thought that it was pretty cool because she got a stay at home birthday.
When she went back it was "dress up" as a character of a book day. Having been off for a week and just finding out about this day I had to quick come up with something. We decided upon Fancy Nancy. As you can tell from the above picture she was so loving it.
Last weekend Averie also had a Dance Competition. I can't say enough how much I am proud of my little girl. She did an amazing job. She was the only one in her age group from her Studio to compete in a dance Improv Competition. Out of 12 girls 8 and under she won first place. She won a complete scholarship to next years competition and a plaque which she was so excited to hang in her room. She has one more competition this year and I can't wait I am so excited to watch her!!
Danton is plugging on in school and clinicals. We are pushing toward May 9th to finish out the didactic portion. He is doing a great job managing all that is his plate.
Due to all the sickness I just started my training for the half marathon. I know I have my work cut out for me but I am SO excited for it. I am also grateful for the 70 degree weather we are having.
Not much new with Lincoln. He got hit with the brunt of the sickness. The best part about him being sick was him giving up the bottle. That has been our biggest struggle and now its gone!!! Now if we can just get him potty trained.
Happy week to you all Happy St. Patrick's Day.