Thursday, May 24, 2012

 My precious little girl when 1st grade started...
Here she is all done with 1st grade and ready for 2nd!!! 

Back in August Averie started first grade.  She loves school, friends and learning.  I thought it was hard moving from KG to first grade and letting go of that teacher.  Today she finished first grade and I don't know who had a harder time saying goodbye to Mrs Bo.  I had some tears when I got home from dropping her off.  We will both miss her SO much.  Thank you Mrs. Bo for all you invested in our little girl. 
Averie is almost done with dance for the year as well.  She competed in 3 dance competitions and loved every minute of them.  Her final recital for the dance studio is next weekend.  She has really learned so much this year, I know I have said this before but I LOVE watching her dance.   

Back in September Danton started Paramedic School.  It has been a long hard journey.  Danton traveled to Denver for school every Mon, Tues and Wed from 6-10 every night.  He also had to fit in some 200+ hours of clinicals + work.  He finished his school setting and the first part of clinicals on May 9th.  He took his final exam and did a great job!  Now he is ready to start his 400 hours of final clinical ambulance rides. He will ride 30 hours a week until graduation on September 15th.  In 3 1/2 months he will take his National Certification to become a Paramedic.  Wow, what a journey it has been.   I am so proud of all he has learned and will continue to learn.  He has helped deliver babies, cardiac arrest patients, little kiddos and so much more. 
Lincoln is growing up just as fast.  How does that happen?  I tried potty training him back around Christmas time.  I tried for 3 very unsuccessful  weeks.  I gave up and decided to try again later.  Initially I said I was going to wait until school was over, but last week I just decided one morning to give it a shot.  I am excited to report that he did it.  We are completely potty trained during the day and most nights and naptimes he wakes up dry.  He is having a hard time going #2 in the potty so I have decided to let him put a pull up on to do that.  I am thinking that is very close to changing.  He knows when he needs to go he is just having a hard time learning how to make it all work on the potty.  Either way I am so excited to have an almost fully potty trained little boy.  Ahhh no more constant pullups!!! 
I have said several times that he is just a fun little boy.  He is so funny, so kind so busy and so destructive.  Just tonight he was doing some fixing with his tools, but while he was doing that he kept coming over and giving Averie kisses.  He loves his big sister...most of the time.    Sometimes though he just really enjoys hitting her with his sword.  He is all boy and I love it.
Even though I going to miss her teacher I am SOOO ready for summer break.  No having to drive to school and dance.  I will be cleaning this summer but I love that it is a job I can do it  around my schedule with the kids.  And I am so grateful that neither one of them mind going with me and the places I go don't mind if I bring them.  I have been blessed with such great clients.  It works out so great. 
Well happy start of summer everyone.  Enjoy it because time goes my so fast.