Monday, May 20, 2013

What's New and Where is this Blog Going???

Wow, it has a been a long time since I have posted on our family blog.  The latest news is that it has been a crazy crazy crazy start of the year for us. 
Danton stated working working nights in January and it was also the time we moved into our new home.  Just a few weeks ago he was able to switch back to days.  It is a hard transition to have a household split in the time of day it thinks it is  We are finally getting back to normal and it feels so much better.  
Over the past several years our world has been somewhat interesting.   Such as opening and closing a business, Danton going back to school and SO much more.  With all the craziness we decided to get some therapy assistance.  We both would agree that it is worth every penny we have put into it. 
One thing the counselor asked me to do was prioritize things in my life and define them.  And that meant to find and do things that I enjoy.  So, I decided to put this blog on hold and start a new blog about things that I am enjoying in my life and also what is happening in our world. One thing I realized I wanted to enjoy more  and learn more about is wine, so I wanted to talk more about that too!!!  I enjoy drinking a glass of red wine with Danton or a good friend.  But, I normally find myself drinking the same thing all the time.  I decided to branch out and try new things in that area as well and I decided that I would share that with you in hopes that you either try something new whatever it is or that you may want to try a new beverage with someone special to you!! 

Learn to Enjoy all your moments they are all extremely special!!!

The new blog is