Thursday, May 20, 2010

Averie's Pre-K Graduation

Averie with her Diploma
When you watch the video this will make more sense!!

If you remember back to the Halloween Pictures you will notice Nicholas. Averie is going to miss him more than anything. She has informed me that she asks him to marry her everyday and he keeps saying "NO". I was talking with his mom today and she said that he couldn't even eat breakfast today because he was so sad that he wasn't going to see Averie everyday. He has also asked his mom if he had to get married and his mom asked him if he wanted to and he said yes but that he just wanted to be Averie's friend right now. We are all going to miss Nicholas in our house. What a sweet boy he is.

Averie and her incredible teachers. I can't say enough how much we are going to miss them. They have put so much of themselves into Averie and she has grown so much because of it. Thank you Miss Melody and Miss Kathy
Cowyboy Larry.
His wife told me today that Averie is probably the most proud member of his fan club she is probably the only one as well, she LOVES Cowboy Larry. She can remember everything about all his horses and she can't wait to go ride them this summer, since Cowyboy Larry invited her to visit. There is also a picture I didn't include of the two of them eating lunch a kid table together. Very cute.

Please check this video outI have included at the bottom . If you can't see it log onto youtube itself and in the search column type in teamzumalt and it will pull up all the videos I have uploaded so far.

I am having a hard time not crying while typing this, okay I am crying! We have had two great years at St. Stephens and I will miss going there several times a week. I will miss the exciting things she learns and tell us about. And yes I will miss the art projects even though there are a lot of them. I will miss her excitment of seeing her friends.
I didn't see this coming. I didn't think I would have such a hard time watching her graduate from Pre-K. and dealing with the thought of her starting Big Girl School in a few short months. So far 5 years old has been pretty emotional for me. A lot of changes take place this year. It reminds me to cherish the little things and enjoy her every single day. This is just the beginning!
On a lighter note the other day was Kindgarten assesstment. She was so grown up about it, even telling me that she wanted to go in with the teacher all by herself and she wanted me to wait in the hall. I convinced her that I would sit in the back and let her up front all by herself. She agreed. She did a great job. When asked to spell her name she spelled it and Lincoln's. If you were asked the difference between a fork and a shoe what would you say? I would say a fork you eat with and a shoe you wear. But not Averie. "A fork is made of metal and a shoe is made of fabric". Composition over Use. Only Averie. She is very ready for school. It is just mom who has to catch up. Good thing I have until August.