Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ambulance Ride and Pearly Whites

Part of the requirement for Danton's school is he is to do one ambulance ride and one ER clinical. Last Sunday he had his first ambulance ride. They took 4 calls and didn't see a lot of major action but the paramedics worked with him and he got some good practice checking vitals!! Mike, one of the paramedics asked Danton when he was doing his next ambulance ride and he said that they were only scheduling everyone for one. Mike said he was doing a great job and that he was was very professional. He also said that Danton was to the level that some of the current paramedic students are at. Pretty big since he is only in the EMT class. Mike told him to schedule another ride with him so Danton went to the teacher with the request and she set him up for this Saturday morning. He is so excited. Hands on is such a great way to pull together everything he is learning. Hopefully he will get to do even more ambulance rides with him!!
He is also set up for his ER clinical on Thursday morning. He was also able to get an extra one of those as well in the middle of July.
He is half way through and learning a lot. He also welcomes vitals practice at anytime!!!

As of today Mr. Lincoln has 2 teeth now. He hasn't been sleeping very well the past few weeks and saying that I am very tired is a HUGE understatement. I am hoping that with the new pearly whites I will get to catch up on a little sleep. For now it's just lots and lots of coffee.

That is all for now. I will post an update of the ER clinical and second Ambulance ride next week. Happy Fourth of July everyone.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mr. Lincoln

I can hardly believe that he is almost 8 months. So, sad that he is out of his new baby stage. Ever since he turned 6 months he just took off. He is SO busy and in return we are SO busy.
He may not be a new baby anymore but here are a couple of things that he is doing...
*He crawls at a very rapid pace. And if he wants something he WILL get it.
* He loves everything that is his sisters. She doesn't love that!!!
* He loves to pull her hair and then just let out a HUGE giggle.
* He loves to help put her to bed, he cuddles up with her everynight during prayers. He really LOVES her.
* He climbs up onto anything and everything.

* He will track you down and climb up your leg to get you to hold him.
* He is such a cuddler. When he wakes up in the morning he would be so conent to snuggle. I just wish that my mornings could allow for that everyday. He would be carried around and snuggled ALL day if you let him. I have to confess I do love his snuggles and hope they NEVER end.
* Sorry if this startles you but He LOVES to play with his little boy part. He can't wait for you to get his diaper off. Danton said that is just a boy thing!!! All I know is that is something I didn't have to deal with when I just had a girl.
* He just fingured out how to open cabinet doors and loves to check out what is inside.
* He got his very first tooth today. What a big boy he is becoming.
* He loves to play chase around the house. Although he still hasn't caught on completely. If you are chasing him sometimes he forgets and just comes after you.
* He loves to wrestle and play on the floor.
* He is great at making all sorts of noises. He also enjoys when you make them back at him.

* His red hair is the best way to meet new people. I have met so many random strangers becasue they want to ask about it. Never in a million years would I have thought I would have had a little red head. What a cutie.
* He is a HUGE mommy's boy right now. Again I am hoping that doesn't end as well.
* He loves that pool and any sort of water play.

Hope you enjoyed Mr. Lincoln's updates. I will get some pictures of all his adventures soon.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Darling little Averie and some family updates

Averie flying her new kite. Perfect timing for the wind to come
Danton's work had LuauMadness at work last weekend and he brought home some goodies for Averie.
Averie and her flamingo
Isn't she lovely!!

My two little cuties.

Family Update.
Danton- He is busy studying away and is loving every mintute. He also went back to his previous job and is going to be working in Boulder. He will probably start there in a few weeks. We enjoyed a great Father's Day yesterday. First was church and then we took him to lunch and enjoyed some good quality family time.
Averie- She has been enjoying the pool and is getting her groove back very nicely. She meets a new friend everyday. Today she started her summer Ballet class. She is doing a Swan Lake Ballet class. She did such a great job and the teacher's love her.
Mr. Lincoln- What a delight he is. He is not often interested in toys he is interested in climbing everything. He makes so many noises and he loves to giggle and play chase around the house. He is also getting his two bottom teeth.
Rebecca- I don't really have anything new to report. I am just enjoying the pool and park time with the kiddos. I enjoy the time that I get with Danton. It isn't quantity right now but it quality.
Have a good week everyone. Can't believe it is almost July. Mr. Lincoln will be 1 before we know it )=. Time goes by so quickly so enjoy every minute.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Family and Picture Updates

About three weeks ago my Grandma came from Georgia to visit. This was the first time she met Mr. Lincoln.

Averie was very excited to start riding her bike without training wheels. The attempt lasted about 1 minute before she told me that she is supposed to wait until she turns 6. What a cute cookie. She is now working on it again. We will see what happens.

Averie before she got on the bike

A minute later and she is all done.

Now that Mr. Lincoln is on the go all the time it was time for us to add some protection. Here he is checking out his new hardware.

Last week Danton's sister Kayla was in Denver for a few hours so we all met up with her.

There was a flight exhibit that day so she got to ride in this pink plane.

I let Averie loose with the camera and this is what she came up with.

Love this one. Look how awnry he looks!!!

Just thought this one was pretty.

She wanted to take one of me!!

Danton- He is now in his 5th week of school. He is absolutely loving it. It is challenging and fun all at the same time. We will see what he has to say when he does his ride along and clinical. His ride along is scheduled in the 27th of this month and his clinical in on the 10th of July.

Averie- She is enjoying the summer but really missing her friends at school. Today we went to the pool and she had a great time. She told me she met 5 new friends.

Lincoln- He is VERY busy. He is sometimes interested in his toys and he is always interested in climbing and getting into EVERYTHING. He has had a couple good bumps and I am sure they are just the beginning.

Rebecca- Pretty much the same. I saved all my birthday money this year and put it toward my pedicure fund. So, today I got to go and relax and enjoy a wonderful pedicure. Very nice! On Sunday before church I met up with my friend Angela for breakfast. We enjoyed a much needed girls time out. I am excited for the pool because it really helps Averie burn off some of that energy and she is getting some good Vitamin D at the same time and did I mention she sleeps GREAT. Taking Lincoln is a new adventure as well. I dunked him several times and he was a trooper, he loves the water. Ah, summer how I love you!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mr.Lincoln's Baby Dedication

Danton introducing all of us
Waiting our turn. Isn't little Sophia cute, she is in the pink hat. She is one of the many girls born close to Mr. Lincoln. Her parents are very nice! Oh, who will he choose? He is 7 months today. He is now officially closer to one than a newborn baby. I have such mixed emotions on that. Enjoy every moment, they go by so quickly.

Enjoying the day!

Mr. Lincoln and his Papa

Our church had baby dedication today. They held it at a park close to church. The idea was to get people in similar life stages to connect in a fun enviroment. I have to agree with my dad though. How many people really ventured out and met new people. We didn't. We sat with our group of friends and connected with them. I am not sure if that was due to the sense of being comfortable or the fact that it was SO incrediably hot and we were just trying to get through.
Nontheless we did have a good day despite the heat. Averie was so excited to see Piper and Lily. She was sad she didn't get to hold them because they slept most of the time, but she was very excited that they were in matcing dressess. Two more precious girls for Mr. Lincoln to choose from!!!
What a large order to fill. Raising kids! This may be a shock but I am learning that I am not super mom and I do make mistakes. The nice part about that is God is gracious and is walking right beside me. They are not mine but God's and I am given this wonderful gift of raising them.
One thing Averie has been learning this week is that life is sometimes hard and that she has to decide what she is going to do with that. I told her one day this week that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. After a long discussion about what that meant she said "yeah that is what I want to do, take something sour and turn it into something sweet". I want both Averie and Lincoln to know your life may not always go the way you planned but with God you can turn your lemons into lemonade. Isn't that easier said that done?
Well, enjoy your week everyone. It has been a long week here and I am ready to get a good night sleep and start it all over tomorrow, yeah coffee!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

An Update

Danton- He is now is his third week of school and is enjoying it. It is a lot to learn in just three short months but he is doing a great job. He had his first test last week and did a great. He was also offered another job at another dealership that would focus more on financing and it also pays more. We decided it would be worth looking into to help pay off some of the debt that we are carrying from the business. Things got a little crazy when he gave his notice though, they don't really want himto leave and are really trying to get him to stay. Oh, decisions. I am just glad that we have a job because we know what is like to not have a good job. And we know so many that are struggling with their jobs.
Averie- She is now officially in her last summer before she starts school. We have been enjoying a lot of outside time. The local park is right down the street from us and we go there at least once a day. The local pools open this week as well and we will be frequenting them several times a week. She is also going to do VBS at my parents church this next week.
Lincoln- Well Mr. Lincoln has kicked into high speed. About two weeks ago he started crawling and he hasn't looked back. He decided to add climbing the stairs and pulling himself up on things to his credentials. He is into anything and everything. His world just expanded and mine got busier. I will get a video of him up soon.
Rebecca- Well other than keeping up with Danton's new schedule and keeping Averie entertained and making sure Lincoln doesn't kill himself my world is pretty much the same. I had to order baby gates for Mr. Lincoln because our current one didn't fit our banisters. I origianlly planned on one until he decided that he needed to climb the stairs. So, I just received my TWO gates today and tomorrow they will be installed. That should help some. Also, this last week we started having an ant situation in our house. That has created an extra dilema because of Lincoln crawling everywhere. We have sprayed with a natural kid safe killer but that doesn't get rid of the problem. We are now having to put out a chemical to hopefully get rid of them for good. That means that the kids and I are having to plant ourselves upstairs and let the ants do there thing. I am really hoping this will only take a few days!!!

Well that is what is going on with us. It has been pretty crazy and I find myself drinking more coffee these days but I know this is a season that will end. Right now we are just enjoying all the adventures that are coming our way.