Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Family and Picture Updates

About three weeks ago my Grandma came from Georgia to visit. This was the first time she met Mr. Lincoln.

Averie was very excited to start riding her bike without training wheels. The attempt lasted about 1 minute before she told me that she is supposed to wait until she turns 6. What a cute cookie. She is now working on it again. We will see what happens.

Averie before she got on the bike

A minute later and she is all done.

Now that Mr. Lincoln is on the go all the time it was time for us to add some protection. Here he is checking out his new hardware.

Last week Danton's sister Kayla was in Denver for a few hours so we all met up with her.

There was a flight exhibit that day so she got to ride in this pink plane.

I let Averie loose with the camera and this is what she came up with.

Love this one. Look how awnry he looks!!!

Just thought this one was pretty.

She wanted to take one of me!!

Danton- He is now in his 5th week of school. He is absolutely loving it. It is challenging and fun all at the same time. We will see what he has to say when he does his ride along and clinical. His ride along is scheduled in the 27th of this month and his clinical in on the 10th of July.

Averie- She is enjoying the summer but really missing her friends at school. Today we went to the pool and she had a great time. She told me she met 5 new friends.

Lincoln- He is VERY busy. He is sometimes interested in his toys and he is always interested in climbing and getting into EVERYTHING. He has had a couple good bumps and I am sure they are just the beginning.

Rebecca- Pretty much the same. I saved all my birthday money this year and put it toward my pedicure fund. So, today I got to go and relax and enjoy a wonderful pedicure. Very nice! On Sunday before church I met up with my friend Angela for breakfast. We enjoyed a much needed girls time out. I am excited for the pool because it really helps Averie burn off some of that energy and she is getting some good Vitamin D at the same time and did I mention she sleeps GREAT. Taking Lincoln is a new adventure as well. I dunked him several times and he was a trooper, he loves the water. Ah, summer how I love you!