Monday, July 12, 2010

Family Fun

What a fun weekend we had. On Thursday my sister-in-law and her kiddos from Oklahoma came to visit for a few days. The kids did very well with only a few minor melt downs!!! The oldest 4 played very well together. Lincoln enjoyed all the action as well. He loved it when they took time and played with him. Next year he will get to be in on the action. They got in a lot of crawdad fishing, playing in the ditch and playing in all of Papa's boxes. Monique and I spent some time walking downtown and went in some stores that I had never even been in.

Mr. Lincon is telling you how big he is SO BIG
All of the grandkids listening to Papa tell a Bible story after dinner.

The oldest 4 enjoying the ditch and all Papa inventions.

Aunt Monique and Mr Lincoln, this was the first time she has met him

Averie and Shelby, the 2 grandaughters

Keenan, Braiden and Mr Lincoln the 3 grandsons

The wonderful and very patient Nanny and Papa with all their grandkids

Daddy and Averie all tuckered out after Averie's meltdown.
Thanks Nany and Papa for everything and being such great grandparents. We are so blessed to have such great loving people love on our kids.