Friday, August 13, 2010

A little bit of everything

Mr. Lincoln loves the vaccuum. So when I was vaccumming one day I asked Averie to play with her brother and keep him distracted. When I got to the living room this is what I found. Averie had put him in the laundry basket. I asked her why and she said "she didn't want to watch him and this kept him from moving". As you can tell by the second picture Lincoln didn't like this option.

Thanks to GranDan and our zoo pass we were able to get in a day with some friends at the zoo. We tried to go a few weeks earlier but it was TOOO HOT. So we picked a day that was farily cool and we went first thing in the morning. It was fun to go with other kiddos and a friend for me we had a great time

all the kiddos standing in front of the Asian Tropics they are building.

Lincoln sat so well in the stroller the whole time. Here he is showing you how big he is!!

Averie on the the bronze hippo

How far can you jump? Averie can jump 4ft like a flea.

Averie, Lincoln and the Flamingos

If you haven't caught on we LOVE going to the pool as much as we can. Averie really picked up swimming last year and this year did great as well. She is a litle fish. This year she has also learned to backfloat. Since school starts there is only one pool that is still open. Hopefully we can get a couple of days in there before September 2nd.

One of the pools has a slide and some days she would slide the whole day.

So cute. Lincoln loves the slide as well. I would just put him on the end and he would giggle and smile the whole way down.

My two fish. If you notice the water shooting up in the back. Lincoln loves to sit right in the middle of that and just play. He thinks he's pretty cool stuff.

Hair Cut Day: With school coming up I made haircut appointments for everyone. As we are walking out the door Averie informed me she was cutting her hair off. This may not mean anything to you but Averie has been telling us that she is going to grow her hair out to her butt for a while now and that there was no way she was going to cut it. I was in shock and didn't know if she was going to change her mind or if I needed to change it for her.

Her mind wasn't changed and she cut 6 inches off her hair.

Lincoln also had an appointment that day. He was going to get his first Big Boy haircut. He cried the entire time but not because he was getting his hair cut he is just become very clingly lately and didn't want to be in the chair by himself.

I may be biased but he is so Darn Cute!!

We also had a couple of birthdays in our family last week. Happy 60th birthday MOM!!

My mom's sister sent her some things to wear on her special day. 60 Glassess, 60 tiarra and a button which reads "Sexy at 60" I think my mom must be trying to cover it up. haha!!

So here is what has happened over the past of the few weeks.

Danton: He is now officially done with EMT school. What a great birthday present for him!! Now all he has to do is go and get Nationally Certified. This should happen in the next few weeks. He did a GREAT job on his final exam. Out of 120 points he only missed 3. He is scheduled to start his IV class at the end of this month. I will have a volunteer calander out shortly!!. He will hopefully be able to start his Anatomy class as well, we should know about that soon since it starts next week.

Mr Lincoln: He is becoming such a big boy. He is now walking. Yes walking. I will try to get a video of that up soon. He working on some top teeth and we will all be glad when they get here. He loves to say dada but he is still a VERY big mamas boy. He is will give kissess but you never know when they will come. My mom got 2 on her birthday!
Averie: She starts school in 2 days. AGH!! She is so excited and very ready. She already has her outfit picked out and ready to go. She didnt' get to go to the pool everyday last week because she got the stomach bug. Averie is the only little girl I know that fights naps even when she is sick.
Rebecca: A very good friend of mine is going back to work and I have offered to watch her kiddos during the day. Her oldest is also starting KG this year and her youngest is 2. It should make for a very busy house!! Since our space is farily limited I have spent the last few days combing the house and making sure that is ready for all of them.
Should be posting again very quickly since Averie is starting school.