Friday, July 29, 2011

Its Official...

I am excited to say Danton has been officially accepted into Denver General's Paramedic Program. He is SOO excited! He has always had the unofficial don't worry you will make it in, so it is awesome to get the Official Acceptance!!!

He will start the program in September and it is a VERY intense year long program.

So excited for him. It is so much fun to watch him really enjoy what he is doing!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fun at Nanny and Papa's

I am sure everyone can come up with a few childhood memories...I remember playing in this exact ditch as a little kid. It is fun watching them enjoying it like I remember it. The only difference now is, my dad didn't build me a cool paddle boat like he did for them!!! Here they are enjoying the ditch and the paddleboat!!!

Averie just walking around
All aboard!!

Lincoln enjoying the ride

And they are off

"Paddle, sissy, Paddle"

Time to get off

We have had a great summer, filled with lots of adventure and fun. Starting several summers ago I decided to start getting the local Summer Pool Pass. Averie absolutely loves the pool and Lincoln is really having fun this year too.
I love that they are so comfortable in the water.

I can't believe school starts in a month. I am getting sad about that. I am sending my little girl into first grade. That means her teachers will have her more than I will. Very strange since I have always stayed at home with her. It is like I am getting downgraded in my job ): Also, when they aren't screaming at each other...Averie and Lincoln do play well together. I think he is really going to miss her. So, funny, as I am typing this Lincoln just went up to her and whacked her on the head!!! I guess right now isn't the getting along part!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Big Day

It was a big day at our house yesterday. Averie had some major accomplishments. We have been trying to get her to ride her bike for a WHILE. When she was 5, she said that she should probably wait until she was 6. When 6 rolled around she would try it but would always say she should wait a while. Yesterday, I thought we should give it another try and SHE DID IT!!!! She did such a great job and we are SOOOO proud of her. She also had a really good teacher, Thanks Danton!! Once she got it down she and her dad went on a bike ride around the neighborhood.

Lincoln wanted his picture taken too!!

And off they go...

Riding circles around the park.

She is so proud of herself.

While Averie and daddy went on a bike adventure Lincoln and I stayed at the park and played.

Averie had another accomplishment today as well. She learned how to tie her shoes. What a good day.


Last weekend the kids and I went with my dad to a local airshow. The kids had a great time.

Lincoln and Papa off to the Pancake Breakfast!!
Averie wanted her picture taken by all the I just included a few!!!

Papa and Lincoln checking out a plane

We ran into a couple of my parents friends and they took Averie to look at some of the planes

Ken lifted them to take a quick picture

We stood at the runway and watched the planes come in. Once they landed they actually came right next to us.

I should have got a picture of the tractor that was pulling us. Because that is why we rode it several times. Lincoln was excited to ride the tractor

Averie made a candy airplane at the Kids Corner

The next few pictures show Averie flying an airplane they had set up in the kids area. She did great but I think it was a lot harder than she thought it would be.

Lincoln getting his turn to sit in an airplane

This was probably Averie's favorite part of the whole day. She was so excited to say that her dad uses all the stuff inside to help people too. She didn't want to get out and go home, but they told her that they could stop by anytime and say hi as long as the helicopter was there. That was good enough for her!