Monday, July 4, 2011


Last weekend the kids and I went with my dad to a local airshow. The kids had a great time.

Lincoln and Papa off to the Pancake Breakfast!!
Averie wanted her picture taken by all the I just included a few!!!

Papa and Lincoln checking out a plane

We ran into a couple of my parents friends and they took Averie to look at some of the planes

Ken lifted them to take a quick picture

We stood at the runway and watched the planes come in. Once they landed they actually came right next to us.

I should have got a picture of the tractor that was pulling us. Because that is why we rode it several times. Lincoln was excited to ride the tractor

Averie made a candy airplane at the Kids Corner

The next few pictures show Averie flying an airplane they had set up in the kids area. She did great but I think it was a lot harder than she thought it would be.

Lincoln getting his turn to sit in an airplane

This was probably Averie's favorite part of the whole day. She was so excited to say that her dad uses all the stuff inside to help people too. She didn't want to get out and go home, but they told her that they could stop by anytime and say hi as long as the helicopter was there. That was good enough for her!