Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weekend Getaway

So, it was off for a final weekend getaway before school starts around here. We went up to Steamboat for a long weekend. We had such a great time. Wish we stayed even longer!!!

Averie enjoying her own room with a queen bed!!!

Getting a snack before we head out.

Daddy and his kiddos

Getting ready for bed.

Eating and hanging out with daddy

Couldn't pass this up. Lincoln with Abraham Lincoln!!!

Averie got to make her very own breaksticks at dinner. This is the pre cooked version

Daddy and Lincoln coloring

And here is the finished product.

Mommy and Lincoln

Enjoying a walk and some park time.

I love this one.

Picture of the ski slopes Sipping on some Chai

Some Pool time

Daddy and the kiddos in the kiddy side

Sitting in the Big Wheel.
Time to clean up and the end of a long day.

Headed Home

We had such a great time. It was a long ride up for the little ones but they loved it once we got there. And then on the ride down we had a lot of construction and a litlte car sick incident but we made it.

Now on to the start of school for Averie and Danton. It is going to be a VERY busy year for us. But they say time goes by quicker when you are busier. Excited for Danton to be done with Paramedic school and that to go quickly...but I am not excited for Averie to be done with first grade. She is growing up SO fast.

When we got home on Tuesday we went to Back to School night to meet Averie's teacher and see the classroom. Summer is OVER. I am so sad about that.