Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life Lessons

Danton and I had this conversation the other day about life lessons. I know we are so old...but I am sure everyone looks back on their life and wonders what if they would have done things different or what if someome would have just told us ?, or what if they did and we didn't know to listen because we had it all figured out right?

Things I have learned with my recent life lessons.

I never knew how hard Kindergarten could be. I believe kids are encouraged to grow up way to fast. Our society places so much pressure on little kids even little 5-6 year olds. I am so grateful Danton and I have taken the time to talk with Averie about the situations she has to deal with. I believe we are given the chance to teach our little girl some real important life lessons. I just never knew we would be teaching these life lessons so early.

One thing for sure is that our little kids are ALWAYS watching us. We have had to deal with a very mean little girl at school and occasionally we have run into this little girl and her mom outside of school. One thing I often tell Averie is, " You don't deserve to be treated that way and if someone is mean you have the chance to walk away". So, after I told Averie that she didn't have to play with this girl she asked me this "Mom, if that girl isn't nice to me then why are you nice to her when see her at the store". It isn't easy to be nice to someone who is mean to your daughter, but let me tell you I am grateful I was and that my daughter picked up on it.

When I say they are watching...they are watching. After ballet the other day Averie was sitting with a group of girls and I heard one of them say "Your brother is a freak" it wasn't until I heard Averie say "My brother isn't a freak" that I knew that little girl was talking about Lincoln.. What causes a 7 year old little girl to say that about a 1 year old little boy. I am no where near the model parent or perfect and will never even be close. But kids really watch everything around them and if no one tells them about right and wrong or even about making fun of someone even if it is a "joke" then what results do we really expect. I strongly disliked the situation and STRONGLY disliked that girl for a while but if the only good that came from it was I told Averie I was proud of her for standing up for her brother and then talked to her about how that would make her feel then I guess I will take that.

I have come to the harsh reality that we can't change society and how it is so influential especially on our very young little kids. But we can and must be very proactive in the raising of our children. Otherwise someone else will do it for us.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh, January

I have been meaning to write a little something for a couple of weeks now, but as with life something always comes up.
So, why do I have time now. Because my Internet security expires tomorrow and I have to download newest version, so I now have a few minutes that I have to sit at the computer.

Danton~ At the beginning of December Danton did a week long training with a Denver Ambulance Service so he can start working PT with them. He is required to do several training rides before he clears and then he will be ready to go. Right now he is not in school because of Winter Break (Yeah!!!) but he is still working full time and has already done 3 twenty four hour shifts and still have two 12 hours shifts to go. All of these will be completed in January so he is one busy guy and he has handled it all so well. After a 24 hour shift he quickly gets home to either take Averie to school or play/nap with Lincoln. He will start school again in a couple of weeks but by then he should be cleared and ready to pick up his weekly 24 hour shift. With all that he has going I figured he needed some outlet so for Christmas I got him a gym membership. It has been great. He comes home from work and does dinner and bed time and then heads out the door and enjoys some good quality Danton time.

Averie~ She is doing great. She is loving school but is also loving the breaks that come with it. Just today she asked when her next school break was. Oh, spring break she is looking forward to you!!! When she isn't in school she LOVES to let out her artistic flair. I can't keep up with how fast her mind works when it comes to art. She truly has a gift in that area. She has also started up ballet again and loves every second of it. The class is more advanced than she has done in the past but she is doing great and picking it all up nicely. Pretty good for being the only 5 year old in a class for 6-10 year olds.

Lincoln~ So, the real reason I haven't updated anything lately is because in the past few weeks that boy has doubled his energy. Only if you are really around him do you truly know how busy he is. Or maybe he just seems so busy because all I ever had before his was a very mentally challenging child. He however is just destruction waiting to happen. Oh, how I wish you could see and understand, but I am sure those of you who have had boys are just nodding your heads and saying" Oh, I have been there and I understand completely"! He climbs everything and when he notices that you caught him he stops and you can tell mentally questions if you see him or not. He does understand the word "gentle" but after he shows you "gentle" on his sisters face he follows with a nice slap. He does however have a very sweet side. He loves to give kisses. He loves to cuddle. Those times are very much needed after his very trying times.

Rebecca~ Just keeping up with everything is what I have been up to. I think my biggest challenge is Lincoln and just keeping up with him and learning his new ways!!!. He can be such a funny little boy and such a naughty little boy. All in all what a delight he is. Couldn't imagine life without him.
I love my time with Averie as well. I love when she comes and sits by me and reads ME a book. She is very high energy as well and can be very mentally challenging but it is neat to see what a little lady she is becoming.
I enjoy my time I get with Danton. This month is definitely not as frequent but that is what makes those times together all the more special.
I absolutely love my job of mommy. I am so grateful for a husband that works so hard for his family and allows that to happen. As with every job there are those trying days but at the end of the day I still get the chance to raise 2 amazing little people. Sometimes a very hard and thankless job but sometimes a very wonderful and rewarding job. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Well the computer is downloaded with his newest security so I am off to get some sleep to be recharged for another day. Happy New Year everyone.