Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Crazy Cycle

So, when I was just a mom to a sweet little girl things just didn't seem so hard. Then we added Lincoln. I specifically remember the day that I thought, I think I might have the hang of this. Lincoln was 4 months old...
After several conversations today I think that is where I am again... learning my new crazy cycle. Never did I think we would be in our 30's and looking at starting a new career. Since first meeting Danton I never understood why he wasn't doing something medical, in some weird way he just understands it and actually enjoys it. Currently he is in school and if all goes well he will be in school for 5-6 more years? Averie is getting older and becoming more involved in things and school demands more of her and well Lincoln, he is just Lincoln, busy busy busy!!! And this week I think I finally feel some sort of sanity. I have proudly made my famiy dinner, a real one both days so far. Every day we have been out of the door before we needed to to get to school, with no arguments or battles. And on Monday I even had everything ready to go to clean the house I clean before we left for school. I have stayed on top of the house and the laundry. And everyone is doing well in school and getting their homework done!!! I know this is only Tuesday, but I feel like things are going in a good direction.
It just seems like there is so much demand on perfection. Perfect house, car...life. I can say that I am no where near that. I can say however that I LOVE my family. Everyone of us is in a learning curve right now and I think we are doing okay.

Just a couple of little adds...If you are into praying with us Danton has his appointment for his grant today. We don't get a decision today but we are one step closer.
He is absolutely loving what he is doing and learning. He has had several shadow opportunites and has taken an interest in orthopedics and pediatrics, or possibly both together. We'll see???
And LIncoln's band aid is off and his head is looking a lot better!!!