Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hello Everyone

Happy Day Everyone...

I thought I would really make the effort to post more often...

Last Monday Averie had a day off school so we loaded up and took my mom to the Denver Aquarium and the Children's Museum. The kids had a great time and were worn out at the end of the day.
Danton is heading into his final few months of the didactic portion of school. We are in a huge push toward the end of that. That means we are really needing to finish up a lot of things in the next few months. If you can please continue to think of him as he is REALLY being stretched in his time right now. He is very tired and is having to learn A LOT!!! On a side note he did his last Labor and Delivery clinical the other day and helped deliver and baby and also watched a C-Section. Pretty cool.
So, normally I don't have much to report for myself. I am just managing everyone else and making sure that everything gets done. I have been looking for something that I can do and have a good time at. I can read but
can't do book clubs because of our schedule and they are at night when Danton is at school. I needed something I can do on my own no matter what time of the day. So, at the beginning of the year I got a running stroller at one of the local consignment stores and just this past week I signed myself up for a half marathon in September. I am a bit nervous and a bit excited. Good thing I have until September!!! Now when it warms up and Averie is at dance I can load Lincoln up and run. And thanks to my mom I have a treadmill at home for the current cold days. Lets get rocking and rolling...
Averie is getting ready for her second Dance Competition. She is improving SO much this year. It has been so much fun watching her grow in her skills. She just started a tumbling class this week and loved it.
We are also getting ready for her birthday party. We are having it a week after her birthday because of the competition. It happens to be on St. Patricks Day so we are having a St. Patricks themed party...she is so excited because that is one of her favorite holidays. Yay Green!!! She is doing it at Lowe's and the kids are all getting to build there own projects to take home.
That is all for us this week. Hope you are enjoy your extra day in February tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Wow, it has been almost 3 months since I have been on here. Maybe when Danton said "When are you going to have time to blog" is true.
Here's to February and getting back into the groove.
Seasons...life is made up of many seasons and as you can tell due to the lack of communication our season is very busy right now.
Season of busy~ I am seeing that this season never really ends. But right now I am a bit busier than I have been at other times in my life. From rise to bed the days are very full. I reached a sad moment the other day about my busy almost 7 year old. I absolutely adore her teacher and I realized that her year is almost half over. I am going to miss Mrs Bo. very much. Busy means eventually moving on to new things. I know dance takes us a lot of our time but I love watching Averie's love of dance. She just loves to dance with all of her being. Busy means watching her grow and develop in ways I can't even put into words. Busy means the everyday adventure that Mr. Lincoln brings. Whether he is smiling and laughing or surfing down the stairs he is ALWAYS busy. Busy means Danton's long hours of school, clinicals and work but that busy means he is half way done with his current journey as well. I am excited to see where the end of that busy leads us next. As for my busy it is just the same as always...trying my best to manage everyone else's busy. Some days it is much easier said that done. I feel as though I am trying to just stay afloat some days. Once I get caught up things just get crazy again. Season of busy...
Season of learning~ I think one of the biggest joys of parenthood is watching your children learn. Averie just had her parent teacher conferences and she got a great report. Her reading is at the mid second grade level and she is above average in everything else. The teacher's aide has told me that she is so excited to see what Little Miss Averie will be when she grows up. Averie is VERY interested in everything Danton is learning right now. Recently Danton told her one time a little bit about the body and this is what happened. Averie made Danton a Book. The book is a picture of the body and specifically of the heart and all that goes along with it...the heart with all 4 anatomical chambers, bundle branches, aorta, spinal cord, kidneys with nerve roots. Then on the next page she drew a blood vessel with red and white blood cells and a platelet. She was so excited to show him and she mentioned that he could use it to study from. The funny thing is he could actually study from it, it was AMAZING. He was a proud dad and brought it to school to show some of the teachers. She even told the Doctors Danton works with at the hospital about it. If you tell her that she should be a doctor she will say "Everyone tells me that"!!! She is one smart cookie.
One thing I was often told was that our second child will have a hard time living up to his sister's standards. I think that he may give her a run for her money. Just tonight someone made the comment that they are so alike. Lincoln is very much a homebody and a mommas boy but he LOVES people and there aren't many strangers he won't talk to. He is learning so much about the world around him and it is a joy to watch. Danton is learning so much as well. We were told at the beginning of his Paramedic journey that it would be long and intense. They weren't lying. I am so proud of him and all he is accomplishing right now. He will make a great Medic and maybe eventually more... I don't wish injury on anyone I know, but if something was to happen I am sure he could take great care of you. I am learning that I am capable of handling more that I thought I could with all of the above learning!!! Sorry not that exciting I know.
Season of Fun~ Where do we fit in all the fun you ask??? That is a very good question. We have learned to squeeze fun whenever we can. We don't often have a day off with everyone present but if we do we try to do something fun. We may not always go out and have an adventure it may be as simple as a family movie night all on the couch together. We have had several of those lately and we have enjoyed them. We try to do things with our friends who are okay with doing things very spontaneously. Danton and I even had a date the other day. Hold the phone I know...We went to a movie and lunch, we are looking forward to the next date. The other night we had a great time at the Denver Aquarium. Our Awesome Auntie Kate got our family a year membership there. The special there right now is the Mystic Mermaids, can anyone guess who in our family was most looking forward to that...yes Danton you are right!!!HAHA.
Season of Laughter~ I have to say this award goes to Lincoln. He is hands down the funniest person in our family. Averie wins the smarts award and funny goes to Lincoln. Between sunrise and sunset are tiring sometimes but Lincolns wit really helps. If you haven't gotten to experience it I hope someday you do. It makes a busy time a little bit lighter. I love that little man.
I am sure there are a lot more seasons to list and talk about but for now that kind of sums up all the little things making our our seasons. They are a lot some days but when Danton is graduating in September from Paramedic school that season of busy will seem so small. When Averie graduates from Medical School and is a Ballet teacher that area of busy will seem so small. When Lincoln jumps off something, falls down the stairs head first and then does something so funny that season will make me sad because I know he is moving on to other things. Everything in perspective.
Love to all of you and Happy New Year!!! Enjoy your seasons whatever they may be.