Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hello Everyone

Happy Day Everyone...

I thought I would really make the effort to post more often...

Last Monday Averie had a day off school so we loaded up and took my mom to the Denver Aquarium and the Children's Museum. The kids had a great time and were worn out at the end of the day.
Danton is heading into his final few months of the didactic portion of school. We are in a huge push toward the end of that. That means we are really needing to finish up a lot of things in the next few months. If you can please continue to think of him as he is REALLY being stretched in his time right now. He is very tired and is having to learn A LOT!!! On a side note he did his last Labor and Delivery clinical the other day and helped deliver and baby and also watched a C-Section. Pretty cool.
So, normally I don't have much to report for myself. I am just managing everyone else and making sure that everything gets done. I have been looking for something that I can do and have a good time at. I can read but
can't do book clubs because of our schedule and they are at night when Danton is at school. I needed something I can do on my own no matter what time of the day. So, at the beginning of the year I got a running stroller at one of the local consignment stores and just this past week I signed myself up for a half marathon in September. I am a bit nervous and a bit excited. Good thing I have until September!!! Now when it warms up and Averie is at dance I can load Lincoln up and run. And thanks to my mom I have a treadmill at home for the current cold days. Lets get rocking and rolling...
Averie is getting ready for her second Dance Competition. She is improving SO much this year. It has been so much fun watching her grow in her skills. She just started a tumbling class this week and loved it.
We are also getting ready for her birthday party. We are having it a week after her birthday because of the competition. It happens to be on St. Patricks Day so we are having a St. Patricks themed party...she is so excited because that is one of her favorite holidays. Yay Green!!! She is doing it at Lowe's and the kids are all getting to build there own projects to take home.
That is all for us this week. Hope you are enjoy your extra day in February tomorrow!!!