Tuesday, March 30, 2010


We had a good snow last week and then as usual the sun came out and it was beautiful. I sent Averie outside for over an hour and she had so much fun. She made her usual snow angels and then she wanted to make Ariel. She made her out of snow first and then she asked for her paints. She was so proud of what she made.

One mornning I found Averie in her room coloring. She sat in her sink grabbed her colors and books and she was good to go. This is the kitchen my dad made for me when I was a little girl. Now it is hers and she loves it.

What a great moment between daddy and son.

Iowa Fun

Welcome to Beautiful Pella Iowa!
Averie and Aunt Julia enjoying a cookie from the Bakery. Aunt Julia's treat.

Everyday the Glockenspiel plays music while characters appear in little windows. Averie is dancing with them. She loves to dance.

Lincoln getting his picture taken by the tulips that are getting ready for their Tulip Time apperance.

Everyone was so good at keeping little Averie entertained. Here she got Bungammin (Ben)!!!and Jocelyn to dress up. What good sports they were.

We love Allie in our house. Averie absolutely adores her and I think Lincoln is enjoying her as well. We are so glad you are going to be a part of the family.

Great Grandpa and Grandma Lanser with the kiddos. We enjoyed a night with them and all the other Pella Lansers.

Brandon and Allie don't they look so cute with kids!

Ben and Jocelyn with the kiddos

Four Generation famlily picture. Very Special!
My mom and I packed up the kiddos and headed to Iowa to go to Allie's Bridal Shower. Averie was so excited to see her buddy Allie again.
The trip started out with adventure at the very beginning. Within the first hour Lincoln was already hungry and crying, we were listening to Mickey Mouse Beach fun (loudly) and Averie was yelling in the back that she needed to go poop. After we took care everything everyone was doing pretty well even with Averie asking every few minutes if we were there yet. I think it was about half way when Averie told us that this was "The worst trip ever" Soon after that she and Lincoln both fell asleep and we were able to pound out the last 5 hours.
The next day was another adventure filled day. After a great day of playing around town we ended up with a flat tire in the van that evening. Thanks to Don, Ben, Julia there friend, the Pella police, Grandpa, and my mom were were able to get 2 new tires the next day. What an adventure.
Saturday was the shower and gracious Allie let Averie help open the gifts. After the shower we enjoyed some time with my dad's family.
Sunday we went to church and then went to Don and Julia's for lunch with everyone on mom's side of the family. The day ended with some girlie time. Julia, mom and I watched The Proposal.
Monday we packed up and headed for home. We were able to stop in Lincoln and meet up with Danton's sister. She just had a new little baby girl in December. It was great meeting her. Danton's aunt Rhonda was also able to join us. After 14 hours later we were home. It was great being home but it was so much fun to see family.

Avalanche game with the Family

Crazy spontinatity! The kiddos as I were leaving the next morning for our Iowa trip and Danton was given tickets to the Avalance game. So, with a little stress from me I agreed to go. We packed up the kids at 7:30 at night and headed down to Denver. We only stayed for an hour but enjoyed every minute. The seats were great and Averie really got to enjoy the game. Need to do this spontaneous stuff more often because we really did have a good time

Easter Egg Hunt at Pre-K

Averie was so excited for the Easter Egg Hunt at school. Since it had just snowed a couple days before they hid the eggs in the snow. All we had to do was put on her boots and gloves and set her loose.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Little Things

Averie: Mommy the things in the Bible really happened right?
Mommy: Yes
Averie: I know what Jesus looks like
Mommy: What?
Averie: You know he wore a blue sash with white silk, oh and sandals.
Mommy: Really
Averie: Yeah and he had brown hair and skin like me.
Mommy: So, how do you know the Bible really happened?
Averie: Well God made everything in the Bible so it is real.
Mommy: Is Ariel real?
Averie: No mommy she is a character
Mommy: Is Jonah real?
Averie: Yes mom he is in the Bible.
Mommy: Tell me why you think that Jesus isn't a character and Shrek is?
Averie: Mom like I said Jesus is in the Bible so he is real.
Mom: What did Jesus do?
Averie: Mom, Jesus died on the cross for our sins,came back to life and then went to Heaven to make a home for us, which really isn't hard for him because he is God.

These are the moments that make all the hard ones worth it. I love her last statement. It really isn't hard for him because he is God. I need to remember that more often.

After this touching coversation she then told me that she saw someone with a silver tooth and that she wished she had silver and gold teeth so that she could sing Silver and Gold, the Christmas Song.

With Averie it is always an adventure. Don't know what I would do without her!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Day at the Park

Averie Lincoln and I are enjoying one last day of sun before the snow is to come. I decided to take them to the local park. Averie enjoyed herserlf as always and Lincoln got to try the swing for the first time. Oh how I wish the sun was here to stay.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Daddy feedingLincoln cereal for the first time

Lincoln trying cereal for the first time. At first he really didn't know what to think, but then he got after the spoon everytime.
I think Daddy and Lincoln enjoyed the experience.

A Day at the Denver Zoo

For Averie's 5th birthday she got a pass to the Denver Zoo, so what better to do on a Tuesday afternoon. Plus the weather was great.

Averie's favorite animal at the zoo is the zebra.

She loves it so much she always chooses it to ride on the carousel. This was also the first time she rode it all by herself. What a big girl she is becoming.

Averie with the Snow Leopard. Kind of looks like Jules!

Daddy, Averie and the Lions.

Mommy Averie and the Giraffes

She is standing a proud 3 feet 6 inches next to the 9 foot polar bear!!!

Averie loved playing on the Hippo statue.

Lincoln enjoyed the day so much that he just wore himself out. He was really fascinated with the fish. They were so colorful.

Thanks Grandan for the pass what a wonderful family day of fun.

Monday, March 15, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Parade

Danton's office is part of a group that sponsoredthe Parade, So last week he was asked with several others to wear a kilts and walk in the parade. They passed out beads and candy and were aksed several times about what is under the kilt.

I thought Averie would enjoy the parade so I packed up the kiddos and went down to Denver. We met up with some friends and had a great time.

Waiting for the parade to start. A little cold right now but things warmed up very nicely!

Averie was so excited to see her dad in the parade. He even stopped and took a little picture with her

Lincoln hanging out enjoying his very first parade.

Her she is all beaded up.

Her favorite part was all the dancers. I think she wished she could go and join them.

She had such a good time with Ian and Nolan. Ian was nice to share his bubbles with her.

Post-Parade and enjoing some time with his little buddy.

Barry , Danton and Brynn enjoying there kilts.

I guess the only question left to answer is, "What do they wear under a kilt"?

It was such a fun day and the weather was great. After the parade we went to our friends Peggy and Barrys house to enjoy some espresso and Wii Fit.

Then we finished the day by getting to pick up my parents from the airport. We were glad to have them back home.

Enjoying the Snow with Dad

Averie and Daddy enjoying some snow time. Averie really wanted to make a snowman even though we really didn't have much snow to work with. I think he still turned out pretty good!. Plus, once you play in the snow you always get Hot Chocolate!

Happy Halloween

My good friend Angela invited several kiddos over to go trick or treating in her neighborhood before Halloween. Averie wanted to be Ariel since last Halloween. You can tell she is so loving it.

Our church does a HUGE trunk or treat event for Halloween. Here she is doing the cake walk. Nicole (Snow White) is running this game.

Averie and her Pre-K class. She absolutely adores the little boy to the left of her. His name is Nicholas. She tells me she is going to marry him.

We were glad she was able to participate in all these events since Lincoln was due on Halloween. He let her enjoy dressing up several times with all her friends.