Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Little Things

Averie: Mommy the things in the Bible really happened right?
Mommy: Yes
Averie: I know what Jesus looks like
Mommy: What?
Averie: You know he wore a blue sash with white silk, oh and sandals.
Mommy: Really
Averie: Yeah and he had brown hair and skin like me.
Mommy: So, how do you know the Bible really happened?
Averie: Well God made everything in the Bible so it is real.
Mommy: Is Ariel real?
Averie: No mommy she is a character
Mommy: Is Jonah real?
Averie: Yes mom he is in the Bible.
Mommy: Tell me why you think that Jesus isn't a character and Shrek is?
Averie: Mom like I said Jesus is in the Bible so he is real.
Mom: What did Jesus do?
Averie: Mom, Jesus died on the cross for our sins,came back to life and then went to Heaven to make a home for us, which really isn't hard for him because he is God.

These are the moments that make all the hard ones worth it. I love her last statement. It really isn't hard for him because he is God. I need to remember that more often.

After this touching coversation she then told me that she saw someone with a silver tooth and that she wished she had silver and gold teeth so that she could sing Silver and Gold, the Christmas Song.

With Averie it is always an adventure. Don't know what I would do without her!!!