Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Busy Week

Last week we had a fairly busy week. Danton had his first ED Clinical. He is enjoying his class and clinicals and is over half way done. Averie loves hearing all about it. She is fascinated by everything he is learning.
Danton's mom and brother were also in for the last part of the week. We enjoyed some good family time.
Mimi and the kiddos

Uncle Shane, what would we do with out him? They absolutely LOVE him. Only if he lived closer
On Saturday Danton had his second ambulance ride. It was a very busy day with 9 calls. Just to put it in perspective they say anything above 8 calls is considered busy. He said it was a bit overwhelming but very good. He was VERY tired that night. He goes on this third ride this Saturday night, his first night ride.

On Sunday we enjoyed celebrating the 4th of July. We went to church in the morning and then enjoyed some quiet family time in the afternoon. Danton had a large test last night so he got some good studying in as well. Then it was off to my parents for the grilling and fireworks. My parents also got their vitals checked as well and I am glad to report they are alive!!! Unfortunately that night the rain had other plans. We got in the dinner outside and the rain started to come. We ended up enjoying the fireworks from the frontseat of the van.

Averie and Mr. Lincoln enjoying the 4th

Daddy and Averie