Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our Week

Danton~ He is very busy and he is doing great with the amount of things that are on his plate. He is still working full time and he also going to be re-locating to the Boulder office in a few weeks. That will cut his work commute in half. He will also be at a bank and so his hours will be banking hours. As far as school goes he has about 3 weeks left to go. So far he has done 1 ED clinical and 4 Ambulance Rides and he is doing his 5th on Saturday. His EMT National Cert is a two parter the first being the written test and the second the skills portion. This all happens the week of his birthday. He is enjoying everything about the class and can't wait to continue all his classes and then start Paramedic school next fall. Once his EMT class is done he is scheduled to start his IV class and then his EKG class. Anyone want to volunteer for IV practice!!

Averie~ She is enjoying her summer and is now in her last month before she starts school. She is SO excited. I don't really know what excites her more, the new school clothes, the new backpack and supplies or actually going to school. She has her last week of ballet next week and she is doing great. The teachers have told me that she really has natural talent and want to put her in the more advance class this fall. I decided to go and watch her in class on Monday and she really is a beautiful ballerina. She really may be a mom and ballet teacher when she grows up like she tells me.

Mr Lincoln~ What a fun little boy he is. He is just adding new things to his list everyday. Here is a few of the things he is doing now. He will tell you how big he is "So Big". He will clap his hands together if you ask him to "Patty Cake". If you are leaving he will wave "Bye Bye" to you, he is even trying to say it. I may be hearing things but I am pretty sure he is saying "Mama" He is also standing on his own for a good period of time and you can tell he knows he needs to step, he just hasn't figured that part out yet. He is a very very very fast little crawler. If he wants to get somewhere he will and quick. Until this last week he loved to get into my kitchen cabinets. Unfortunately for Lincoln Papa came and installed cabinet locks and now they aren't as much fun. Good thing to because last week he got into a candle and he was covered in black. When his sister isn't around doing all the talking he is actually a very noisy little boy. He still loves to cuddle and he still loves his mama.

Rebecca~ Well I am getting a little more sleep lately. I was so tired that I realized I needed to figure out why Lincoln wasn't sleeping. I found out he had a bowel problem that may have been making uncomfortable at night. Since working on that he is slowly improving. He isn't sleeping all night but at least he isnt' up every 1-2 hours all night long. I am also coming into the realization that Averie is starting school very soon. She got her uniforms last week and it was emotional seeing her in them. She is growing up and always keeping me on my toes. Selfishly I just want this last month to go by very SLOWLY.

Enjoy your week everyone.