Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Latest

Danton~ He is in the final stretch. His final exam is next Saturday the 14th. Then he will hopefully get to take his national certification fairly quickly. He has done an amazing job and is absolutely loving every minute of what he is doing. He has also made a great friend in the process. His name is Dustin, and he is a paramedic who occassionally teaches his class. Danton has done several rides with him and will probably be doing several more over this next year. Work is out of control. He is heading a new campaign his work is doing in Boulder. This is creating A LOT of extra work for him.

Averie~ 14 days an counting until the start of school. I am trying to cram in as much as I can in these last few days. I know I say this every week, but I just can't believe she is starting school. Thanks to a friend she is stocked up with uniforms and she has already told me what she is wearing on her first day. Danton and I have both commented lately that she is really growing up. What a little lady she is becoming.

Mr Lincoln~ As always what a delight! Here are the words he will often ramble off... mama, dada, bye bye. He LOVES to tell you "How big he is" and play patty cake. Sometimes I think he just keeps doing it to show off! He will stand on his own and do all the above. He has taken a few steps but he isn't officially walking. As far as his sleeping we are still trying to conquer that. We have found that his bowel issue and his sleeping are more than likely related. This isn't official but more than likely he has a hiatal hernia. I guess this is fairly commen in little babies and is often triggered by a quick delivery. This can often cause a lot of discomfot and adults with this can often think they are having heart attack symptoms. We have started doing some work to help him and we have been noticing slight improvements. It is unknown how long it can take to train your diaphragm to tighten up, but in little babies it often takes less time since there bodies haven't been through so much life like we have. Even through all that he is just an amazing little guy. He loves life, loves to giggle, loves to be held and cuddle and he even loves his sister!!!

Rebecca~ Besides staying busy with all the above... I was invited to be a part of a book club and I had my first meeting last Thursday. I had such a good time. It is nice to have something for me in all the craziness. I have really enjoyed readying some good books lately besides the book club choice. If anyone has any good recommends please let me know. One reason I love the club is that it is hard for me to know where to start sometimes. They gave me several book ideas and since we don't have tv it has been quite enjoyable.

Well off to bed because tomorrow is the zoo. The weather isn't supposed to be so blazing hot so I figured it was a good day to go.