Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Day of School

Here she is. Our little school girl. She was so excited to get to wear her uniform. She picked the jumper for her first day.

Danton and I just love this picture!!!

Getting a good start to her day eating by eating her breakfast!
You can't see it but she picked a princess backpack. I think it's almost as big as her
Outside ready to go in. I didn't cry that day but I am trying not to get teary eyed looking at this picture.
She had a great first day and the next two were a bit harder for her. I am struggling with her teacher so I am hoping this week goes better. Will keep you all posted.
Will talk more about school next time. Our computer broke on Wednesday the day school started so I couldn't send any pictures out so I just wanted to quick get some out. Now I am going to go and enjoy some time with Danton before another crazy week starts.