Monday, August 23, 2010

Family Update

Averie~ She started school last Wednesday and on Tuesday they had a back to school orientation. Averie walked in and she was in her element. She looked up at the alaphabet board and and told that teacher that if you would rearrange the letters a bit you could make a word with the letters C A and T, that you would have the word CAT! Then she went all around the class and checked everything out. She found her name on everything, her desk, her cubby and on the outside of the class. I talked with someone yesterday about her teacher andthe conclusion I came to was to give it another week and also document everything. So let's see what this week brings.

Mr. Lincoln~ He is walking everywhere. He would now rather walk than crawl. He has one of his top teeth and is working on another one. He LOVES to drink out of this cup

Danton~ He is done with school for a few weeks and is very busy at work. His mom and brother were in town for a few days last week and he was able to take Thursday off and enjoy some time with them. The three of them went and toured the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins.

Rebecca~ Last week was a big week. On Wednesday Averie started school, Danton's mom and brother got here and I also started watching my friends little kiddos. And her daughter started school that day as well. All that was little overwhelming but we got through and now we are starting a new week. Yesterday we did enjoy a fun family day. We went to the late church service after Shane and Mimi left. Then we went to the library and then bbq'd some bugers and then Danton and I hung out after the kids were in bed. It was very nice.