Friday, November 26, 2010

Getting Ready for Fall Fest at School... Oh and some leaf fun!!

It was time for Fall Fest at Averie's school. We were down to bring Pumpkin Muffins and Averie wanted to help out. When I turned around to grab something I found an extra helper on my stool. I had two kids very excited to help out.

The kids were given to option to dress as Indians or Pilgrims. Averie has become very fascinated with Indians and was able to wear an outfit that my mom had made for me.

This is her teacher Mrs. Pears. She is just an amazing teacher. We are so grateful that Averie was able to switch classes.
Lincoln absolutely loved the leaves in my parents front lawn. So, of course in true grandparent fashion he made a huge pile for the kids to play in.

Here is our little Pocahontes