Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Fun

Hard to beleive last Halloween Mr. Lincoln was almost ready to enter this world and now here he is with his sister and they are celebrating "Oldies" style. Originally the plan was to have them be Raggedy Ann and Andy. I am glad we went the way we went.

She loved her outfit. And I think she pulled it off nicely!!!

Enjoying Trunk or Treat outside in his Leather Jacket!!!

The whole ensemble. Notice the cigarettes in his shirt!!!

Ready to go get his TWIST on!!!

On Friday we went to our church and did their Fall Fest. And on Sunday we went to my parents and they took the kids around their neighborhood for some Trick or Treat Fun!!!
At church doing some Trunk or Treatin
Our friend Derek aka Mr. Incrediable!! and Brady aka Elmo (the little boy I watch)

Stacy aka Mrs. Incrediable aka Elastagirl and Averie

The gang getting their Super Powers on!!! Derek and Stacy are some good friend of ours and the funniest part of all of it is...Averie's favorite movie right now is the Incrediables. She was so excited to see them dressed up as them.

Getting her Tootsie On!!!

So, that was Halloween. It was fun to spend it with family AND friends. More to come as Mr. Lincoln turns 1!!! on Saturday. Wow, where did that year go!! What fun and excitement he has added to our family. Wish everyone of you could get a glimpse of him right now, he is truly a HOOT most of the time. Danton has that day off so we are going to spend it as a family and have some good fun. Pictures and posts to come. Enjoy the rest of your week everyone.