Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Making Memories Monday

So, we had another fun Monday this week. We started out taking a hike in Boulder. The kids did great and had so much fun.

Here is our little Averie...she loves the camera!

Pre hike.

Mid hike getting a ride from daddy

Another pose at a different rock!!

Don't know whyI love this one so much but I do. He just looks so cute holding his water bottle hiking away.

Taking a little break sitting on a stick.

Daddy I fell and scraped my knee


Thanks daddy...I feel better!

Holding hands and enjoying the hike

Me and my girl

Sitting on a rock checking things out

After the hike we took a stop at the park.

Going down the slide with Lincoln. Love how this shot turned out. Minus the scared look on my face!!

The park was fenced in and it was nice to let them just play around.

After our hike and walking Pearl Street we headed to Flatirons Mall to get our family favorite Red Mango!

Don't know why kids love the Escalator but they do...
They would have been content to just up and down the whole time!!!

Hi Mom!
Then we hit the huge sand box outside. Averie quickly made a friend and well Lincoln found the dump truck !

and lots of sand to put in his dump truck

Love my little dude.
Averie showing us her creation.

Time to go.

I just love this one of them walking away together...so cute

Me and my little Princess. She is growing up SO fast

A long day made for some hungry kids so we headed over to Qudoba and got some Naked Burritos!!! Yum!

We checked the mail on the way home and to our surprise we had another fun thing awaiting. A package for our Favorite Auntie Kate. It was titled Summer Fun. It is always exiting to get a package in the mail from Auntie Kate!!!

We told them after they cleaned up and were ready for bed they could open the package. Baths went VERY quick that night. Lincoln got a tool book, which he hasn't stopped playing with and his new summer hat

Averie and her treasures. She also got a summer hat and a book and journal.

Thanks again Auntie Kate...we love you!!!

We had such a GREAT day. One thing I have been trying to do is find something new every week that we can do that is free or very close to it. If anyone has suggestions I am open. Think local park hopping and a picnic is on the agenda next.

So, lately we have really enjoyed our family time on Monday. Last week it was the Museum and this week we enjoyed several fun places. First we started off by going to Boulder for a hike.