Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Museum Monday

Last Monday we went to the Children's Museum. This time Danton was able to go and we were able to enjoy the Bubble Room!!!

First Averie has to be a firefighter and go over all her information in case of an emergency. Then Lincoln took a shot at the 911 phone call and was quite fun to listen to.

The Bubble Room. Averie was so excited to go to this room. Here she is standing in a cage of bubbles.
Here she is blowing on it. Pretty cool!

Dragging the bubbles

Our little Ballerina!

He loves the art room. Painting is his favorite!

Our other little artist!

Making a little pizza snack

Ready to bake it

Into the oven it goes

And your total is...

Mommy and Lincoln

His smile...yes he still has it!

So pretty!!!

My 2 dudes

Mommy and Averie

And our day is done. What a great day we had.