Monday, July 4, 2011

Big Day

It was a big day at our house yesterday. Averie had some major accomplishments. We have been trying to get her to ride her bike for a WHILE. When she was 5, she said that she should probably wait until she was 6. When 6 rolled around she would try it but would always say she should wait a while. Yesterday, I thought we should give it another try and SHE DID IT!!!! She did such a great job and we are SOOOO proud of her. She also had a really good teacher, Thanks Danton!! Once she got it down she and her dad went on a bike ride around the neighborhood.

Lincoln wanted his picture taken too!!

And off they go...

Riding circles around the park.

She is so proud of herself.

While Averie and daddy went on a bike adventure Lincoln and I stayed at the park and played.

Averie had another accomplishment today as well. She learned how to tie her shoes. What a good day.