Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fun at Nanny and Papa's

I am sure everyone can come up with a few childhood memories...I remember playing in this exact ditch as a little kid. It is fun watching them enjoying it like I remember it. The only difference now is, my dad didn't build me a cool paddle boat like he did for them!!! Here they are enjoying the ditch and the paddleboat!!!

Averie just walking around
All aboard!!

Lincoln enjoying the ride

And they are off

"Paddle, sissy, Paddle"

Time to get off

We have had a great summer, filled with lots of adventure and fun. Starting several summers ago I decided to start getting the local Summer Pool Pass. Averie absolutely loves the pool and Lincoln is really having fun this year too.
I love that they are so comfortable in the water.

I can't believe school starts in a month. I am getting sad about that. I am sending my little girl into first grade. That means her teachers will have her more than I will. Very strange since I have always stayed at home with her. It is like I am getting downgraded in my job ): Also, when they aren't screaming at each other...Averie and Lincoln do play well together. I think he is really going to miss her. So, funny, as I am typing this Lincoln just went up to her and whacked her on the head!!! I guess right now isn't the getting along part!!!