Thursday, April 29, 2010


It was just over 5 years ago that we welcomed Miss Averie into our family. What a adventure. Since about 9 months she has been pretty non stop and has always kept us on our toes. She is such a delight to us, she loves to learn, talk, dance and she is very very creative. We have enjoyed almost every moment with her!!!
We were able to have almost 5 years with her before we had Mr Lincoln. At first having two kids really didn't seem like that big a deal. I think that is because Lincoln slept most of the time and really didn't move much. But a couple months ago I really started noticing a change in reality. Lincoln started becoming more active and demanded more of my attention and Averie was still her busy self. Lincoln's sleep was starting to be affected because he would move all over his crib and then not be able to calm himself down. That also affected my sleep. I was very very very tired most of the time.
So, for the last month I have been proud of the little accomplishments I have achieved. For one month I have cleaned the house, all of it on the same day. When I have done a load of laundry I have folded it and put it away on the same day I did it. I have started running again and thanks to Angela I may also be doing a 5K in a month! I have the house picked up and presentable at the end of everyday. Thanks to Angela as well I have been working on new meals for the family and am really enjoying that. I think everyone else is as well. I have been working on not letting the stress of little sleep affect my attitude and realize this to shall pass.
At the end of the day I am trying to remind myself that these are precious times. I love having a little girl who is just as stubborn and determined as she is so sweet and a little boy who in the few short months he has been with us is so much to be around. His smile is contagious and he is almost always happy.
Maybe next month I will get caught up on Danton's ironing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lincoln and Daddy

It was so cute. Danton would look at Lincoln and he would just giggle. When Danton would look away Lincoln would stop laughing and just stare and wait for him to look again. You can tell they were both having a lot of fun. Lincoln is such a delight and his smile and laugh are so contagious!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

First Bath Together

Bath time in our house goes like this. Lincoln gets his little soak first and then I give Averie hers. I had just washed Lincoln and had left him in there and asked her if she wanted to have a bath with him. I don't think I have EVER seen her smile so big. What a great time they both had

First Big Boy Haricut

After the hair cutSo Averie and I went in to get our hair cut the other day and I decided to have Lincoln's trimmed up as well. Since it was last minute I didn't have my camera. Bummer to because he was so great. He sat in the chair with his cape on and smiled the entire time. So proud of him!!
Before the haircut

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday Fun Time

Lincoln and Averie enjoying some time together. Lincoln was so fascinated with rolling his little toy on the table. He did it for several minutes. He is growing up so fast, I can't believe he is 5 months Just before 4 months he rolled over for the first time. And now he is all over the place. He rolls everywhere. Right now he is tryinrg to crawl. He gets so close. I have caught him on his knees several times. He loves to reach for things and he loves to play with people's faces.

Rocket Car

Danton's friend bought this Mustang from him last week. After picking it up for him he brought it by for Averie to see. She LOVES fast cars or as she calls them, Rocket Cars

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! We had a great Easter. We went to church in the morning and then it was off to lunch with my parents. Thanks mom for the wonderful meal.

Averie had brought over a few of her games. Clue went well until I realized that no one was winning because I had set it up wrong . Then it was time for Chutes and Ladders. Averie,Ms. Competative didn't do so well with loosing this game. Then we all watched the movie UP while Lincoln took a little nap. I think Lincoln enjoyed his first Easter. He slept most of the day and played on the floor, he is starting to move himself around I think crawling isn't far away. I had brought over some hard boiled eggs for Averie to decorate. She had been waiting to do this all week. After they dried my dad went outside and hid them. Oh, what fun she had.

What a wonderful day. It is even more special when Averie is able to tell us the Easter story herself. I think the most memorable part of her telling the story is when talks about Judas. This is what she told me. "Mom, it really is great what Judas did. Because if he hadn't done what he did then Jesus wouldn't have died on the cross for me. So, it was good he wanted to take the money because he died for my sins and now I can go to Heaven someday".
Pretty great when your child starts to understand how great God really is.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hard or Blessing?

I never understood how hard some things could be~
It is a lot harder with two kids than one. Why can't Averie understand that all she has to do is use her quiet voice during naptime? I used to think it was great to get the WHOLE house cleaned in a few hours. I used to think it was hard when you had one kid that was sick, it is so much harder when one kid is healthy and one kid is sick. It is really hard when you are the sick one and everyone else is healthy. It is hard when all you want to do is get ONE task done and at the end of the day it is still not done. Oh, Laundry Laundry Laundry and Ironing.

I never knew how some things could be such great blessings~
I can't believe the love that I have for two amazing little people. When Averie can't find her quiet voice and wakes up Lincoln I find the two of them laughing together in his room. It is so special to see them together. They love each other (right now)! When your child is sick all they want to do is cuddle. Enjoy those moments because they are few and far between. Smiling with Lincoln, his smile is so contagious. Instead of cleaning the house or whatever needed to be done Averie got to show me what new thing she learned. Taking time to put Averie to bed and actually listening to her pray. Last night she thanked God that she came into our family. Those are priceless moments.

Now back to making dinner, laundry and cleaning. I just wanted write down some of lifes blessings so that I don't forget the things that really matter when life seems hard