Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hard or Blessing?

I never understood how hard some things could be~
It is a lot harder with two kids than one. Why can't Averie understand that all she has to do is use her quiet voice during naptime? I used to think it was great to get the WHOLE house cleaned in a few hours. I used to think it was hard when you had one kid that was sick, it is so much harder when one kid is healthy and one kid is sick. It is really hard when you are the sick one and everyone else is healthy. It is hard when all you want to do is get ONE task done and at the end of the day it is still not done. Oh, Laundry Laundry Laundry and Ironing.

I never knew how some things could be such great blessings~
I can't believe the love that I have for two amazing little people. When Averie can't find her quiet voice and wakes up Lincoln I find the two of them laughing together in his room. It is so special to see them together. They love each other (right now)! When your child is sick all they want to do is cuddle. Enjoy those moments because they are few and far between. Smiling with Lincoln, his smile is so contagious. Instead of cleaning the house or whatever needed to be done Averie got to show me what new thing she learned. Taking time to put Averie to bed and actually listening to her pray. Last night she thanked God that she came into our family. Those are priceless moments.

Now back to making dinner, laundry and cleaning. I just wanted write down some of lifes blessings so that I don't forget the things that really matter when life seems hard