Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! We had a great Easter. We went to church in the morning and then it was off to lunch with my parents. Thanks mom for the wonderful meal.

Averie had brought over a few of her games. Clue went well until I realized that no one was winning because I had set it up wrong . Then it was time for Chutes and Ladders. Averie,Ms. Competative didn't do so well with loosing this game. Then we all watched the movie UP while Lincoln took a little nap. I think Lincoln enjoyed his first Easter. He slept most of the day and played on the floor, he is starting to move himself around I think crawling isn't far away. I had brought over some hard boiled eggs for Averie to decorate. She had been waiting to do this all week. After they dried my dad went outside and hid them. Oh, what fun she had.

What a wonderful day. It is even more special when Averie is able to tell us the Easter story herself. I think the most memorable part of her telling the story is when talks about Judas. This is what she told me. "Mom, it really is great what Judas did. Because if he hadn't done what he did then Jesus wouldn't have died on the cross for me. So, it was good he wanted to take the money because he died for my sins and now I can go to Heaven someday".
Pretty great when your child starts to understand how great God really is.