Thursday, April 29, 2010


It was just over 5 years ago that we welcomed Miss Averie into our family. What a adventure. Since about 9 months she has been pretty non stop and has always kept us on our toes. She is such a delight to us, she loves to learn, talk, dance and she is very very creative. We have enjoyed almost every moment with her!!!
We were able to have almost 5 years with her before we had Mr Lincoln. At first having two kids really didn't seem like that big a deal. I think that is because Lincoln slept most of the time and really didn't move much. But a couple months ago I really started noticing a change in reality. Lincoln started becoming more active and demanded more of my attention and Averie was still her busy self. Lincoln's sleep was starting to be affected because he would move all over his crib and then not be able to calm himself down. That also affected my sleep. I was very very very tired most of the time.
So, for the last month I have been proud of the little accomplishments I have achieved. For one month I have cleaned the house, all of it on the same day. When I have done a load of laundry I have folded it and put it away on the same day I did it. I have started running again and thanks to Angela I may also be doing a 5K in a month! I have the house picked up and presentable at the end of everyday. Thanks to Angela as well I have been working on new meals for the family and am really enjoying that. I think everyone else is as well. I have been working on not letting the stress of little sleep affect my attitude and realize this to shall pass.
At the end of the day I am trying to remind myself that these are precious times. I love having a little girl who is just as stubborn and determined as she is so sweet and a little boy who in the few short months he has been with us is so much to be around. His smile is contagious and he is almost always happy.
Maybe next month I will get caught up on Danton's ironing.