Monday, December 13, 2010

Did You Know?

A week ago Shane came to see us because of a cancelled flight to Chicago. And while he was here this idea came to me. You will understand why when you read this. After a comment from him I realized I always share things about the kids and even and I don't often share things about myself. So here are some things you may not know about me.

1. I was adopted and God put me in the best family ever! The funny part is growing up no one beleived I was adopted.

2. I play the piano and started playing in 3rd grade. I may not have the details correct but this is what I remember. At the beginning of the year my family sat down to talk about something we each wanted to do in the new year. I said I wanted to play the piano and my parents bought a piano and signed me up for lessons. Given the fact that most kids give up instuments quickly I am impressed that they went through with it. And in the long run I am glad because I enjoy the piano still to this day I find it very relaxing to play. Thanks mom and dad!

3. If I could do anything for a week or so I would love to be part of a singing group that got to travel and perform.

4. I HATE math and that is probably okay because math HATES me.

5. I love MY birthday. I am known to talk about my birthday and remind people for a good month before. I LOVE my birthday. April 14th just in case you needed a reminder!!!

6. I enjoy my families birthday ALMOST as much as mine. It is such a downer when the day is almost over and I know I have to wait a whole year for it to come again.

7. Per my conversation with Shane, this is what started the post. I think he was suprised to find out I have a Fantasy Football Team. The team is really because of my dad. He started the league so that the Lansers could partake in some good Healthy competition. And initially Danton was the one invited to join and so his name got put on the team but I really ran it. Now I have the name and I run it.

8. When I started this blog Danton told me that I didn't have the time and thought it was crazy. If you read this blog you should tell him!!! Now he constantly hears from people who read my blog and they tell him how much they enjoy it. He is now glad that I do it.

9. I love sun. LOVE IT!

10. I fall asleep during most all movies. Doesn't really matter what time of day or the amount of coffee I drink.

11. I love coffee. LOVE IT! I especially love it when I can enjoy a cup with Danton in the mornings.

12. My favorite color is Red.

13. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Not cereal. A good breakfast. Eggs, bacon, oatmeal...oh and coffee.

14. I absolutely love being a wife and mom. I may not always be the best at it some days, but I enjoy it more than anything.

15. Christmas is my favorite holiday. It just makes me sad that people don't want to or feel as though they can't say Merry Christmas anymore. So to everyone I wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!