Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mr. Lincoln

What is he up to lately? Some is good and some is bad!

Lincoln is for sure our cuddly kid. I love it when he first wakes up and he just sits in your lap and lays his head on your shoulder. He also thinks he needs to be held ALL the time. Obviously that doesn't happen unless he is at Nanny and Papa's house!!! He is everyones little shadow and walks around with his hands in the air to be held.

Lincoln LOVES to get and give kisses. I love it. On the flip side if Lincoln knows he is doing something wrong or found something he knows he shouldn't play with, he will come up and give you a kiss thinking that will fix his situation. How do they learn than so early.

He is becoming very good at signing. Here are some of his favorites...dad, want, more, eat, cracker, dog. He knows the word NO, but he seems to ignore that one. He is talking a little more as well. He has also put two words together. Bye Dada! He loves to say Bye and Hi. Sometimes it is just a game for him. He will get on his little car and pretend he is going bye bye. Or he will just come up to and say Hi and then give you a kiss.

He loves to dance. And I have to say he is pretty cute too! He still loves water and baths.
He is getting good at his tempers. He loves to brush his own teeth. He loves to drink water out a big boy cup all by himself. Not much goes in his mouth but he is pretty proud of himself. He loves his silky and paci! He doesn't think he needs to sleep through the night yet, mommy does not love that. He loves yogurt! He loves balls. He loves to play in mommys plants, mommy does not like this. He loves to play with his sisters art stuff, his sisters does not love that.
He loves to climb and go down the stairs. He is getting pretty good. Sometimes he even stops to clap for himself!!!

I am sure there is a lot more I can add about Mr. Lincoln. But that is what I came up with today. Overall, he is a great little boy with a good laugh and lots of love. He can be a little stinker and give you a good run around. But good or bad he loves to give kisses!!!