Monday, April 25, 2011


Happy Easter Everyone. What a weekend we had here. On Saturday I had the kids all loaded up in the car to go to a Easter Egg Hunt and I realized my car battery was completely dead. Averie was so bummed that we didn't go to the hunt but her nanny and papa came out to charge the battery and she got to a couple of crafts with her Nanny instead.
Sunday we had a fun day. We started with church then it was off to Nanny and Papas for lunch and homemade ice cream.

On our way to church

They love their Nanny and Papa

My two guys!!!

Winding the clock is one of Averie's favorite things to do and now Lincoln is starting to join in the fun!!

Homemade Icecream Time!!

Averie is smashing the ice

Lincoln is adding the salt

Easter egg hunt at Nanny and Papas

Daddy helping Averie with the search

Averie showing Mommy her treasures


Next we were off to our friend Jake and Rebecca's house for more food and more Easter Egg Hunting

Stacy helping Lincoln gather his loot!!

Averie with her basket of goodies

Lincoln showing off his skills. He was hanging by himself.

It was a very long day but a great day of family and friends. We are blessed to have such great people in our lives!

Our Dairy

When Averie was one we decided to get our milk from a local dairy. Besides the milk there are so many things I love about the dairy. More than just getting milk my kids get to enjoy so many other experiences. If they are milking you can go in and watch and lately Averie has even got to help out. The dairy has about 12 cows they milk regularly and they use a machine but on this last visit Kenny let Averie try her hand at milking a cow by hand. She was so excited and loved it. They also had 2 baby cows that were only 2 days old. Kenny let Averie and Lincoln go out and see them and Averie even got to name them. The cow in the all the pictures with the kids was born about 4 weeks ago, Averie named this one Polkadot!! Thanks Johnson's Acres for such a great dairy experience!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend Fun

First of all thanks for all the birthday wishes. I wasn't really planning much for my birthday but the day turned out to be so much fun. Danton unexpectedly had the day off which was nice. My parents offered to watch Lincoln while Averie was at school so Danton and I had a date afternoon!!! We went to one of my favorite places to eat Lucille's (yum)! Then we took off to Denver because Danton had to do a quick appt. and then he showed me around where he is doing his Paramedic school. After that we enjoyed my free birthday Starbucks coffee and then enjoyed my new favorite dessert...Red Mango, also free! Love my birthday. Then we went to my parents for dinner. It was a fun day. Did I mention I love my birthday! Until next year everyone!!!

On Friday Danton was called to do a 24 hour ambulance shift for Sunday-Monday so we made some adjustments to our weekend. It has been some time coming but our church moved into their new building this past weekend. Everyday last week at school Averie told her class about her new church she was so excited. So, because Danton had to work on Sunday we went to church on Saturday night. On Sunday Averie asked to back again!! I have to say I agree with her I absolutely love our church. I look forward to going everyweek as well. On Sunday I decided to take the kids out for some fun. We started with going to the Denver Children's Museum. We haven't gone to the Museum since Lincoln was born because to be honest I was to scared about how it would go. They both played hard for 2 hours and enjoyed everyroom. Then to reward ourselves for such a successful outing we went to Red Mango(yes, again...if you haven't tried Red Mango and there is one in your area please try it it is so good)! Then we ran a couple of actual errands and then it was on our way home. Then it was baths to clean up after a hard day of play and then Averie and I watched Night at the Museum. What a fun day. I love my little kiddos. Here is are some pictures of our fun adventure!!!

Lincoln loved the dog, of course!!

Hello 911!

Doing a little work in the shop. It is very "noisy"

My little artist painting a picture

Lincoln enjoying the paint She loves to dance. My little Bunny! In the mill room making her name

I am not normally in the pictures in the but I actually made it in to some of the pictures!! Yes, he still has his cheesy smile!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My little Rapunzel

Averie's new favorite movie is Tangled and tonight she sang me a song from the movie. I thought she did an amazing job. I included the movie version so you could compare.

We always have music on in the car and the other day Averie asked me how she could get on the radio. She truely is our little performer!!!

I hope you enjoy her little song!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Back to Reality

Well this week we went back to reality. We just finished Averie's spring break and Danton's was the week before. I loved both of there breaks. I really tried to not overfill them and focus on really enjoying them. I think they both needed the breaks I know I sure did. Several months ago Danton was made aware of a John Eldredge retreat being offered in the Winter Park area. The entrance was a lottery system and his name was chosen. The retreat was last Thursday through Sunday. He had an absolutely amazing time and was so glad he was able to go.

I am realizing that my little girl is also growing up so quickly. Yesterday she and her dad were reading about Solomon and this was her question to him. Daddy, Why did Solomon not marry good wives...did he just like there good looks. Needless to say her dad was a little caught off guard. Today we were driving and an "older" lady cut me off and she told me that I can't get upset at her because she is old, and old people don't know how to drive any different. She told me they can only look forward. I don't know where she gets some of her stuff. The week before her spring break her class went to a local dinner theater for a presentation of Rapunzel. It is a program geared for school aged kids, so there were several other schools there. I was really hoping to be chosen as a volunteer to go because I knew this would right up her alley, but unfortunately I was not chosen. While they were there she was the only one from her school to be chosen to go up on stage to dance and shake her maracas!!! Here is a picture another mom sent me!

Lincoln keeps me as busy as ever. I don't know where he gets all his energy. But when he isn't all over the place he wants to be carried and cuddled. He is really trying to communicate with us and is getting better by the day, if you say something he will often repeat it. He does have some good tempers though when he doesn't or can't get his point across, he is a VERY particular little boy. He loves to talk about things that are "noisy"... Papa's shop is very noisy! One of his other new words is "Um" when you ask him about something he just looks at you and says "Um"! He loves to talk about his Papa and nanny. When we are driving and get close to there house he gets SO excited. He loves his Nanny but that little boy LOVES his Papa! I really think he thinks his Papa hung the moon. I could list all his new words and his new favorite things but at this point we would be writing so many. He is growing up.

I have joined another book club and absolutely love it. I have enjoyed the books that have been chosen. Some of them have been out for a while but it is never to late to read a good book. I have also enjoyed the women I have been able to meet. One of my focuses this year is to get out and meet some good people. You really need to have good people in your life and to find good quality people it takes time but you don't find them if you don't put yourself out there.

This really has nothing to do with my post it is just an observation from me to you. When you are parked behind a car and they don't do exactly what you are WANTING them to really don't need to honk your horn. I ask you to do two things before you lay on your horn. Simply count to 5 and ask yourself if it's really worth it and secondly, consider that it may be a mom who is desperately trying to quickly help out her kids before the light turns green. Because those 5 seconds of helping them really does make the ride in the car a lot nicer for the mom in it.

If you remember reading my post from a while back about "things you might not know about me" you will remember reading that my birthday is next week. I absolutely love my birthday and I wish I had more of them in a year!!! Final week countdown starts tomorrow!!! Hopefully I will get some picture of me and kiddos and post them next week.