Monday, April 25, 2011


Happy Easter Everyone. What a weekend we had here. On Saturday I had the kids all loaded up in the car to go to a Easter Egg Hunt and I realized my car battery was completely dead. Averie was so bummed that we didn't go to the hunt but her nanny and papa came out to charge the battery and she got to a couple of crafts with her Nanny instead.
Sunday we had a fun day. We started with church then it was off to Nanny and Papas for lunch and homemade ice cream.

On our way to church

They love their Nanny and Papa

My two guys!!!

Winding the clock is one of Averie's favorite things to do and now Lincoln is starting to join in the fun!!

Homemade Icecream Time!!

Averie is smashing the ice

Lincoln is adding the salt

Easter egg hunt at Nanny and Papas

Daddy helping Averie with the search

Averie showing Mommy her treasures


Next we were off to our friend Jake and Rebecca's house for more food and more Easter Egg Hunting

Stacy helping Lincoln gather his loot!!

Averie with her basket of goodies

Lincoln showing off his skills. He was hanging by himself.

It was a very long day but a great day of family and friends. We are blessed to have such great people in our lives!