Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Dairy

When Averie was one we decided to get our milk from a local dairy. Besides the milk there are so many things I love about the dairy. More than just getting milk my kids get to enjoy so many other experiences. If they are milking you can go in and watch and lately Averie has even got to help out. The dairy has about 12 cows they milk regularly and they use a machine but on this last visit Kenny let Averie try her hand at milking a cow by hand. She was so excited and loved it. They also had 2 baby cows that were only 2 days old. Kenny let Averie and Lincoln go out and see them and Averie even got to name them. The cow in the all the pictures with the kids was born about 4 weeks ago, Averie named this one Polkadot!! Thanks Johnson's Acres for such a great dairy experience!!!