Sunday, May 23, 2010

Additional Videos from Averie's Graduation

This is the song they often sign before they have snack

Remember if you can't see them log onto Youtube and type teamzumalt in the search an you can see all our videos.

Crawling, School, Garage Sale, and much much more

Garage Sale 2010
Lincoln enjoying the great weather we had during the sale and eating his sister's sparkle pony
Averie loved playing and flipping on the ladder
Mommy and Averie enjoying the sun and the sale
Look who is very hard at work!!
Ann you are looking very serious, good thing we have responsible people looking over the the money handling

Lincoln getting his usual nap with Papa. He isn't spoiled at all.
Everyone hard at work.
My mom puts on great garage sale every year. This year was no different. We had lots of goodies for sale and got rid of most of it!!! One man's trash is another's treasure. What helps make it such a fun sale is all the fun people involved. Thanks to all who kept Averie entertained.
This was also a very busy week for us other than the garage sale. Lincoln decided this was the week to take off and do the crawling thing. First he liked to do it with no clothes because he wouldn't slide around and then toward the end of the week it didn't matter he was just a crawling machine.
If you read the previous blog you also noticed Averie graduated from pre-k and that was mentalling draining for both of us.
And lastly Danton started school on Tuesday night. His class will go through the middle of August and is every Tues-Thurs from 6:00-10:00. So I am now back to figuring out a new schedule and trying to conquer it. He will probably have Wednesday day off and of course Sunday's so that will help. I will be doing several zoo visits and taking the kiddos to have lunch with Danton on either Tuesday or Thursday and hopefully we will be able to spend quite a bit of time at the pool. Last year Averie became quite the little swimmer and is excited to start back up again. Mr. Lincoln also enjoys the water and so he will get to try his had at the pool.
I don't know about all of you but we are having wonderful weather here. Today we went to church and then we enjoyed some family time outside. Lincoln loves being outside. We laid out a huge blanket and he played with toys for about an hour while Averie played in her sand box. While they played we made some brats, beans and potatoes and then joined Lincoln on the blanket and ate lunch. A very nice Sunday hope you are all enjoying yours as well.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Averie's Pre-K Graduation

Averie with her Diploma
When you watch the video this will make more sense!!

If you remember back to the Halloween Pictures you will notice Nicholas. Averie is going to miss him more than anything. She has informed me that she asks him to marry her everyday and he keeps saying "NO". I was talking with his mom today and she said that he couldn't even eat breakfast today because he was so sad that he wasn't going to see Averie everyday. He has also asked his mom if he had to get married and his mom asked him if he wanted to and he said yes but that he just wanted to be Averie's friend right now. We are all going to miss Nicholas in our house. What a sweet boy he is.

Averie and her incredible teachers. I can't say enough how much we are going to miss them. They have put so much of themselves into Averie and she has grown so much because of it. Thank you Miss Melody and Miss Kathy
Cowyboy Larry.
His wife told me today that Averie is probably the most proud member of his fan club she is probably the only one as well, she LOVES Cowboy Larry. She can remember everything about all his horses and she can't wait to go ride them this summer, since Cowyboy Larry invited her to visit. There is also a picture I didn't include of the two of them eating lunch a kid table together. Very cute.

Please check this video outI have included at the bottom . If you can't see it log onto youtube itself and in the search column type in teamzumalt and it will pull up all the videos I have uploaded so far.

I am having a hard time not crying while typing this, okay I am crying! We have had two great years at St. Stephens and I will miss going there several times a week. I will miss the exciting things she learns and tell us about. And yes I will miss the art projects even though there are a lot of them. I will miss her excitment of seeing her friends.
I didn't see this coming. I didn't think I would have such a hard time watching her graduate from Pre-K. and dealing with the thought of her starting Big Girl School in a few short months. So far 5 years old has been pretty emotional for me. A lot of changes take place this year. It reminds me to cherish the little things and enjoy her every single day. This is just the beginning!
On a lighter note the other day was Kindgarten assesstment. She was so grown up about it, even telling me that she wanted to go in with the teacher all by herself and she wanted me to wait in the hall. I convinced her that I would sit in the back and let her up front all by herself. She agreed. She did a great job. When asked to spell her name she spelled it and Lincoln's. If you were asked the difference between a fork and a shoe what would you say? I would say a fork you eat with and a shoe you wear. But not Averie. "A fork is made of metal and a shoe is made of fabric". Composition over Use. Only Averie. She is very ready for school. It is just mom who has to catch up. Good thing I have until August.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Erie Balloon Festival

the first balloon
she didn't want to get to close
Lincoln and Papa enjoyin the early morning fun
Mommy and Averie The four balloons that were up when we left.

I have always wanted to go the Erie Balloon Festival and this year I decided to make it happen. With Danton working on Saturdays I decided to ask my dad to go with me. This meant for a very early morning because the launch started at 6:30 a.m. and we would need to be out the door at 6:00. That week we also hadn't had very good weather. It had been raining the night before and they even cancelled the launch the day before. So when I woke at 5:00 it wasn't raining anymore but the clouds were very low and it wasn't very warm. They hadn't cancelled the launch so with kids in tow we left the house at 6:00 and headed for the launch. When we got there they hadn't filled any of the balloons so we started to loose Averie. After they started filling the first ballon she perked up a little but then when we walked over to see it in the wet and muddy grass she started checking out again. She did enjoy it but after watching the same thing over and over she told me her wet feet were telling her it was time to go home. Because of the cloud cover the FAA regulates that balloons can't take off, so they were all grounded. We were there about an hour when we called it quits, maybe we will brave it out again next year and maybe the weather will be bright and suny and maybe I will be able to convince Averie to try it again. Oh, and Auntie Kate do you recognize anything in these pictures!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Look back at Lincon's first 6 Months

Lincoln month one~ Well not much to report for month one. He was a great baby and he slept a lot. It was also a learning experience since we were still living with people. We did say with my parents for the first two weeks. He got a love of love and attention.

Lincoln month two~ He started interacting with us more and more. Lincoln enjoyed his first Christmas in Nebraska with his Mimi, Uncle Shane and Aunt Kayla. Because of the terrible snow storm he really didn't get to meet the rest of Danton's family.
Lincoln month three~ I love this picture of Danton and Lincoln. We just moved into our new home and now Lincoln has his very own room, which he loves. He loves to sleep in his crib, when he is restless and you put in it he calms right down. He rolled over for the first time this month, I can't believe all the things they learn to do so quickly.

Lincoln month four~ Lincoln loves to be outside. He enjoys the park and loves sitting in the swing. He is becoming more and more active every day. He loves to smile,he is starting to giggle and he loves his sister. He also started taking big boy baths in the tub. He loves to splash and play in the water.

Lincoln month five~ What a little man he is becoming. He is now rolling around everywhere. And he can get something if he really wants it. You can tell from the picture he is trying so hard to crawl. In my opinion he has the best little laugh. When someone holds out their arms he is starting to get to put his out too. For now he just shakes, snorts and gets really excited. He also started sitting on his own this month. He enjoys sitting and playing with his toys. He loves playing with his cars and banging with spoons the most. He is also starting to eat more big boy food and he really seems to like sweet potatoes and isn't digging the fruits. Funny since that seems to be what most babies like the most.

Lincoln month six~ We are just starting this month. He is on the verge of crawling and if I was to bet I think it will happen in the next week. That will mean our world will be changing more and more but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lincolon enjoying bath time

Here is the link to the newest video from Lincoln. I found this so cute because he spent a good 5 minutes in the tub just making himself laugh I didn't have to do a thing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Enjoying time with Piper and Lily, and Jake and Rebecca!!!

Lincoln with his new buddy Piper. He was so mesmorized by her. So Cute!

Averie getting to hold and feed Piper. She was on cloud 9!

Rebecca holding Lily and Averie holding Piper.
About a month ago Rebecca and Jake welcomed Piper and Lily into their home. Because we had been a little sick in our house we were holding off meeting them.
Averie was so excited that the day finally arrived. What precious little girls. We also enjoyed our time with Jake and Rebecca as well. We enjoyed a good taco dinner and some root beer floats. Food and Friends always a good combination.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Averie and Lincoln Firsts

Let me start by telling you how this all began. The other day I caught Averie spitting on my bathroom floor and her consequence was that she had to clean my bathroom floor. She was so excited to do it that she asked to help me clean the house. So I gave her the job of using the little vaccuum. She was so excited and so was I because I am not a fan of vaccuuming the stairs!!! We started giving her an allowence recently and I told her that for helping me clean the house she could earn some extra money. I was so proud of her she did a great job and didn't even complain once.

Lincoln in his first big boy ride in his Radio Flyer wagon. My parents gave this to Lincoln for Christmas. It has been very rainy and cold so we have had a little bit of cabin fever. So today when the sun came out I bundled everyone up and took them to the park in his wagon. Lincoln took it all in and mostly stared at the ground.
What a fun day.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Field Trip to the Butterfly Pavillion

holding Rosie the trantula

touching a starfish
touching a horseshoe crab
Owl Butterflies


Averie the Beautiful Butterfly

About a month ago Averie's class sent a letter home that they were going on a field trip to the Butterfly Pavillion. And if you don't know I am petrified of flying things , yes even butterflies. So, I got nervous thinking about all the butterfies flying around and landing on me. Knowing how sad Averie would be if she didn't go I had to find a way for her to go that didn't require me to. I so thankful to my mom who offered to take her. I think the funniest part was me having her teachers ask me why I wasn't going. At first Averie was sad that I wasn't taking her but in the end I think she is glad because her mom would have screamed the whole time, did you see the trantula!!
Thanks to my mom I also have some great pictures! She even wanted to go back and hold Rosie. Averie told me later that day that I really should like spiders and God really doesn't want me to smack all of them. In our home flying or crawling things don't survive. And yes butterflies are pretty but I think they are prettier from a distance.
Thank so much mom for taking Averie she had a GREAT time. Maybe there is hope and she won't grow up to be so scared of things like her mom.