Garage Sale 2010
This was also a very busy week for us other than the garage sale. Lincoln decided this was the week to take off and do the crawling thing. First he liked to do it with no clothes because he wouldn't slide around and then toward the end of the week it didn't matter he was just a crawling machine.
If you read the previous blog you also noticed Averie graduated from pre-k and that was mentalling draining for both of us.
And lastly Danton started school on Tuesday night. His class will go through the middle of August and is every Tues-Thurs from 6:00-10:00. So I am now back to figuring out a new schedule and trying to conquer it. He will probably have Wednesday day off and of course Sunday's so that will help. I will be doing several zoo visits and taking the kiddos to have lunch with Danton on either Tuesday or Thursday and hopefully we will be able to spend quite a bit of time at the pool. Last year Averie became quite the little swimmer and is excited to start back up again. Mr. Lincoln also enjoys the water and so he will get to try his had at the pool.
I don't know about all of you but we are having wonderful weather here. Today we went to church and then we enjoyed some family time outside. Lincoln loves being outside. We laid out a huge blanket and he played with toys for about an hour while Averie played in her sand box. While they played we made some brats, beans and potatoes and then joined Lincoln on the blanket and ate lunch. A very nice Sunday hope you are all enjoying yours as well.