Monday, May 3, 2010

Averie and Lincoln Firsts

Let me start by telling you how this all began. The other day I caught Averie spitting on my bathroom floor and her consequence was that she had to clean my bathroom floor. She was so excited to do it that she asked to help me clean the house. So I gave her the job of using the little vaccuum. She was so excited and so was I because I am not a fan of vaccuuming the stairs!!! We started giving her an allowence recently and I told her that for helping me clean the house she could earn some extra money. I was so proud of her she did a great job and didn't even complain once.

Lincoln in his first big boy ride in his Radio Flyer wagon. My parents gave this to Lincoln for Christmas. It has been very rainy and cold so we have had a little bit of cabin fever. So today when the sun came out I bundled everyone up and took them to the park in his wagon. Lincoln took it all in and mostly stared at the ground.
What a fun day.