Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Ambulance Ride and Pearly Whites

Part of the requirement for Danton's school is he is to do one ambulance ride and one ER clinical. Last Sunday he had his first ambulance ride. They took 4 calls and didn't see a lot of major action but the paramedics worked with him and he got some good practice checking vitals!! Mike, one of the paramedics asked Danton when he was doing his next ambulance ride and he said that they were only scheduling everyone for one. Mike said he was doing a great job and that he was was very professional. He also said that Danton was to the level that some of the current paramedic students are at. Pretty big since he is only in the EMT class. Mike told him to schedule another ride with him so Danton went to the teacher with the request and she set him up for this Saturday morning. He is so excited. Hands on is such a great way to pull together everything he is learning. Hopefully he will get to do even more ambulance rides with him!!
He is also set up for his ER clinical on Thursday morning. He was also able to get an extra one of those as well in the middle of July.
He is half way through and learning a lot. He also welcomes vitals practice at anytime!!!

As of today Mr. Lincoln has 2 teeth now. He hasn't been sleeping very well the past few weeks and saying that I am very tired is a HUGE understatement. I am hoping that with the new pearly whites I will get to catch up on a little sleep. For now it's just lots and lots of coffee.

That is all for now. I will post an update of the ER clinical and second Ambulance ride next week. Happy Fourth of July everyone.