Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mr.Lincoln's Baby Dedication

Danton introducing all of us
Waiting our turn. Isn't little Sophia cute, she is in the pink hat. She is one of the many girls born close to Mr. Lincoln. Her parents are very nice! Oh, who will he choose? He is 7 months today. He is now officially closer to one than a newborn baby. I have such mixed emotions on that. Enjoy every moment, they go by so quickly.

Enjoying the day!

Mr. Lincoln and his Papa

Our church had baby dedication today. They held it at a park close to church. The idea was to get people in similar life stages to connect in a fun enviroment. I have to agree with my dad though. How many people really ventured out and met new people. We didn't. We sat with our group of friends and connected with them. I am not sure if that was due to the sense of being comfortable or the fact that it was SO incrediably hot and we were just trying to get through.
Nontheless we did have a good day despite the heat. Averie was so excited to see Piper and Lily. She was sad she didn't get to hold them because they slept most of the time, but she was very excited that they were in matcing dressess. Two more precious girls for Mr. Lincoln to choose from!!!
What a large order to fill. Raising kids! This may be a shock but I am learning that I am not super mom and I do make mistakes. The nice part about that is God is gracious and is walking right beside me. They are not mine but God's and I am given this wonderful gift of raising them.
One thing Averie has been learning this week is that life is sometimes hard and that she has to decide what she is going to do with that. I told her one day this week that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. After a long discussion about what that meant she said "yeah that is what I want to do, take something sour and turn it into something sweet". I want both Averie and Lincoln to know your life may not always go the way you planned but with God you can turn your lemons into lemonade. Isn't that easier said that done?
Well, enjoy your week everyone. It has been a long week here and I am ready to get a good night sleep and start it all over tomorrow, yeah coffee!!