Thursday, June 3, 2010

An Update

Danton- He is now is his third week of school and is enjoying it. It is a lot to learn in just three short months but he is doing a great job. He had his first test last week and did a great. He was also offered another job at another dealership that would focus more on financing and it also pays more. We decided it would be worth looking into to help pay off some of the debt that we are carrying from the business. Things got a little crazy when he gave his notice though, they don't really want himto leave and are really trying to get him to stay. Oh, decisions. I am just glad that we have a job because we know what is like to not have a good job. And we know so many that are struggling with their jobs.
Averie- She is now officially in her last summer before she starts school. We have been enjoying a lot of outside time. The local park is right down the street from us and we go there at least once a day. The local pools open this week as well and we will be frequenting them several times a week. She is also going to do VBS at my parents church this next week.
Lincoln- Well Mr. Lincoln has kicked into high speed. About two weeks ago he started crawling and he hasn't looked back. He decided to add climbing the stairs and pulling himself up on things to his credentials. He is into anything and everything. His world just expanded and mine got busier. I will get a video of him up soon.
Rebecca- Well other than keeping up with Danton's new schedule and keeping Averie entertained and making sure Lincoln doesn't kill himself my world is pretty much the same. I had to order baby gates for Mr. Lincoln because our current one didn't fit our banisters. I origianlly planned on one until he decided that he needed to climb the stairs. So, I just received my TWO gates today and tomorrow they will be installed. That should help some. Also, this last week we started having an ant situation in our house. That has created an extra dilema because of Lincoln crawling everywhere. We have sprayed with a natural kid safe killer but that doesn't get rid of the problem. We are now having to put out a chemical to hopefully get rid of them for good. That means that the kids and I are having to plant ourselves upstairs and let the ants do there thing. I am really hoping this will only take a few days!!!

Well that is what is going on with us. It has been pretty crazy and I find myself drinking more coffee these days but I know this is a season that will end. Right now we are just enjoying all the adventures that are coming our way.