Friday, June 25, 2010

Mr. Lincoln

I can hardly believe that he is almost 8 months. So, sad that he is out of his new baby stage. Ever since he turned 6 months he just took off. He is SO busy and in return we are SO busy.
He may not be a new baby anymore but here are a couple of things that he is doing...
*He crawls at a very rapid pace. And if he wants something he WILL get it.
* He loves everything that is his sisters. She doesn't love that!!!
* He loves to pull her hair and then just let out a HUGE giggle.
* He loves to help put her to bed, he cuddles up with her everynight during prayers. He really LOVES her.
* He climbs up onto anything and everything.

* He will track you down and climb up your leg to get you to hold him.
* He is such a cuddler. When he wakes up in the morning he would be so conent to snuggle. I just wish that my mornings could allow for that everyday. He would be carried around and snuggled ALL day if you let him. I have to confess I do love his snuggles and hope they NEVER end.
* Sorry if this startles you but He LOVES to play with his little boy part. He can't wait for you to get his diaper off. Danton said that is just a boy thing!!! All I know is that is something I didn't have to deal with when I just had a girl.
* He just fingured out how to open cabinet doors and loves to check out what is inside.
* He got his very first tooth today. What a big boy he is becoming.
* He loves to play chase around the house. Although he still hasn't caught on completely. If you are chasing him sometimes he forgets and just comes after you.
* He loves to wrestle and play on the floor.
* He is great at making all sorts of noises. He also enjoys when you make them back at him.

* His red hair is the best way to meet new people. I have met so many random strangers becasue they want to ask about it. Never in a million years would I have thought I would have had a little red head. What a cutie.
* He is a HUGE mommy's boy right now. Again I am hoping that doesn't end as well.
* He loves that pool and any sort of water play.

Hope you enjoyed Mr. Lincoln's updates. I will get some pictures of all his adventures soon.